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  • warzone (feb 25-mar 1) signup begins in...
  1. sYgMa

    FL - Cut Switch isn't working... why?

    ^^^^It's been a while I saw it, but I REALLY gotta say... this avatar is nice! The Cut option is in the MISC page of the channel setting window... (#2 on the image)
  2. sYgMa

    Hello all...

    Soundclick is acting up (that happens a lot)... I think it works now... My beatstyle is the opposite of yours, to a certain extend... their dard, heavy and kind of hardcore...
  3. sYgMa

    Raven Simone......really?

    that aint Raven Simone... but she got a nice backside lol
  4. sYgMa

    Free Ik plug

    thanx mayne! I want to find the BEST fxf plugins i can find for free...
  5. sYgMa

    Snaps Thread!

    Yo mama's so fat, she can't stay on a basketball court for three seconds without getting called for a key violation. daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanm!
  6. sYgMa

    A man beats super mario 64 in 20 minutes

    If it's street fighter 2 (for SNES), you better give up now yall, cuz it's gonna be a murder sceen.
  7. sYgMa

    FL - Cut Switch isn't working... why?

    I understood that... but, when Fruity is using the option "cut by" the cut is made with the release time on the instrument... So... 1- On the opened and closed hihat, "Cut" and "cut by" should both be on the same number... 2- Actually, close the enveloppe section... normally, that is...
  8. sYgMa

    Hello all...

    welcome to illmuzik... took a listen to your beats... nice feel to them... (I love the Rhodes sound. Also that timechange got a nice feel on the beat) What software/hardware you use? Did you sample a real Fender rhodes?
  9. sYgMa

    Sooo What are Your Current Projects????

    I'm working on building a rap group. It's 3 guys with different vibes and I just recruited a girl yesterday... (actually It was a check... that girl is sexy as hell..., but it so happend that she was an MC, so...) The 3 guys are friends of mine and they are just starting in the rap game and...
  10. sYgMa

    FL - Cut Switch isn't working... why?

    did you fix your problem? Cuz if you didn't, what you should do is to is to check if the release on your enveloppe is not too high... cuz if it is, that could be the reason why it doesnt cut as you wanted it to. So...set the Cut value (the LCD on the left) to some number in the channel...
  11. sYgMa

    The top 5 super producers

    I guess it depends on the style of beat you like (west, east, south, midwest...) cuz most people who gave a list gave people from the same coast... (or they have more producer form the coast they like most)... I would say, for me... Best PRODUCERS (not beatmakers) are: Dr. Dre Dj Premier...
  12. sYgMa

    BATTLE: Diss the person above you 4 bars...

    it was a mistake (oakland and Ohio.... both starts with O)... his name rhymed with AK and I had his name in my head when i was typing... I aint no MC, but I have common sense. lol
  13. sYgMa

    BATTLE: Diss the person above you 4 bars...

    is this getting serious? I hope not... Come one guys...
  14. sYgMa

    Requesting FL Tutorials...

    ^^^^ I know a lot of making good beats comes from practice, and skillz, but there is a part of making beats that you wont really find in books... or you gotta dig REAL deep... (and I guess I like teaching newbs... it's what I do for a living)
  15. sYgMa

    Requesting FL Tutorials...

    ^^^^mmmmh... I hope that helped some people...
  16. sYgMa

    Holla Back Girl

    I agree that you dont need to make thoughtfull songs all the time, and music is supposed to be ENTERTAINMENT. But, I mean, come on! It IS catchy, and is a fun song. But I mean, really... to me, that's a money making song. PERIOD... it's made so DJ can pass it in a club and people can sing...
  17. sYgMa

    BATTLE: Diss the person above you 4 bars...

    It's a joke, man... and it's a mistake... he is from Cleveland, OHIO... dont take this too serious... (it was for rhyming purposes...)
  18. sYgMa

    Clev and Stress in 40 years!

    Those are Quebecers... (for ya'll who wanted to know what typical white Quebecer slang sounds like) funny as hell...
  19. sYgMa

    BATTLE: Diss the person above you 4 bars...

    no worry mayne!!! but on the real, I gotta work on that rhyming thing... it IS kind of nice!
  20. sYgMa

    BATTLE: Diss the person above you 4 bars...

    god damn, I gotta diss a moderator... His beats are do nice I added an A to my Diary And mispelled his name and called him cold throat, see Cuz that what I heard for his buddy Mario Cantone He said "He a good sucka and he made me moan...." lol!!!!