BATTLE: Diss the person above you 4 bars...

  • warzone (feb 25-mar 1) signup begins in...


ill o.g.
StressWon said:

okay, buddy, No more mister nice guy, even tho I'm high, I'll still have to reply

hardy har har, hee hee, hoo hoo, sniff sniff, I smell Doo Doo!!!

comin at me,,,what the hell for, the progress, of my ill strategy will make you my Prisoner of War

dees kids here, they no worry us,,,you shoul be called Timid instead of Furiouz
U call me timid when I took u an hour for bar
u rhyme dont even qualify ima juss wait for the battle to start..go ahead

Steel Side

ill o.g.
YO I'm hot to death, tha only thing hot about Stress is tha breath.
I keep shit movin from right to left
Skillz are best no doubt
Bring that strecther cause Stress just got stretched out.


ill o.g.
Steel Side said:
damn furiouz got to him first. oh well
its all good we both were after the same target..

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
StressWon said:
you aint nuttin but a hot fable, unstable, bout to get spliced like cable

See what I bring to the table, soup you like a ladel, hole you like a bagel

3 disses are near misses, when i clear bitches like riches or snitches

only 4 hot shit, I spit on, how dare any yall test stress, Last Son of Krypton!!!!!

last son is a cap gun- loud shots but he's harmless, grown men know the deal
but small children are daunted/ same skill today that he had when he started,
and back then it was garbage....must have sparked himself retarded
steppin to ill's hottest...and stop with the pm's begging for colds presence to bless your next project....


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
you better step yo game up, for real Steel
it's still too soon for you to be talking about skillz
that shit you wrote sound as heavy as yo last name
the shit you be moving's in the ass of your boyfriend Caine

god daanm!!! late again!!!! :fire:


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
god damn, I gotta diss a moderator...

His beats are do nice I added an A to my Diary
And mispelled his name and called him cold throat, see
Cuz that what I heard for his buddy Mario Cantone
He said "He a good sucka and he made me moan...."



ill o.g.
yo symga again, see i really dont like you, what you gunna do? todays a day y'll rue,
you try and bring heat gainst cold and failed, like a burnt out blowtorch, miserable, failed,
you come from canada, so your basically french, so go back to the somme, into your trench,
and get fucked up by nazis coming over the top, who stand triumphant above you, squeeze the trigger, till it goes POP

haha seriously syg, its just coincedence


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Haze47 said:
yo symga again, see i really dont like you, what you gunna do? todays a day y'll rue,
you try and bring heat gainst cold and failed, like a burnt out blowtorch, miserable, failed,
you come from canada, so your basically french, so go back to the somme, into your trench,
and fucked up by nazis coming over the top, who stand triumphant above you, squeeze the trigger, till it goes POP

haha seriously syg, its just coincedence

no worry mayne!!! but on the real, I gotta work on that rhyming thing... it IS kind of nice!


ill o.g.
ya maybe we can all become emcees, yo stress, that first diss, with all the multis in the first line FUCKING SICK!!!!!

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
StressWon said:
i'm bein hunted down son! lol

nah.... i just couldnt let you slide unscathed

btw, give me your email address so i can email you some beats.

haze, i am actually an "in between" mc... ive recorded a few tracks and write fairly often, but i just havent focused on it much. i have been as of late though, i got a few tracks ready to record.

and my rhymes have been nicer then stress's. he's a pretendin, sorry ass excuse for a rapper.


ill o.g.
yo im all up for people who can do both mcing is fucking hard to nail down, i tried it and failed, i couldnt get enough colour in my voice,....

i also tried a british quaz, HAHAHAHAHA, you shoulda fucking heard it...i was gunna call myself fucking ASLAN for fucks sake....."here i am, im the man, im aslan, the weed smoking lion smuggled in a spray can!" LOL


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
Aww SHit, Lemme hop up in this,
Pop Haze 47 with a lyrical round and then the witness,
Im slick wit, this shit, so vicious i'm suspicious,
Devouring cowaring cowards and leaving bitches washing my dishes!!!!



ill o.g.
sYgMa said:
Only thing good that came out of Oakland was Drew Carey

Huh? Drew Carey isn't from Oakland. I'm from Oakland, California, not Oakland, Canada or whatever you're talking about.