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  1. sYgMa

    Counting BArs

    2 snare = 1 bar.... or if you want, if there are a lot of snare hits or some missing, lets say that if you would be hand clapping to the beat, 2 claps = 1 bar.
  2. sYgMa

    High School

    You know what, man... alcohol is not bad (weed too, in my opinion, but that's discussable)... I mean, i dont do drugs but i know that a lot of things we ingest normally have effects on us that are stronger than drugs. Sugar, salt, cafein... those are bad for you... if you take them in excess...
  3. sYgMa

    Fat Joe Disses 50 at VMAs

    50's a rapper? I always thought he was an entertainer...
  4. sYgMa

    What is your greatest asset in making your music?

    I'd say my drums patterns are my perk... I like to use different drumbeats, and use other percussion sounds to add to it... Right now, I'm working on EQing and general effects on the drums only... after I'm at a level I'm good with, I'll pass more time on practicing my music theory and my...
  5. sYgMa

    Midi Controller w/ FL Studio?!

  6. sYgMa

    guitar questions

    500?!... shoot! that kind of expensive for what you want to do with it... well I'm guessing it's quality though... Good move!
  7. sYgMa

    Your gonna love this...

    ^^^^^ I was thinking the same thing... and I did saw that picture and website a while back...
  8. sYgMa

    August 24-28, 2005 - USA ROUND 1: DJ Hoppa vs. Alkota

    daaaaaaaaaaamn real tough!!!! But I guess I'll give it to Hopps, just because it's more creative and there was more work into the beat (that shows)...
  9. sYgMa

    August 24-28, 2005 - Comments/Questions

    Yo... i just saw the list of battles... Their's even a triple threat match... this is gonna be good. And nice match ups by the way!
  10. sYgMa

    guitar questions

    what brand of guitar? I was gonna say, Use an accoustic guitar with pickups (like an electric guitar) or an acoustic electric guitar (they got a mic inside.. that's what I have)... but you already did... Mine is a Takamine (actually my dad's), a EF441SC with a preamp on the side of the...
  11. sYgMa

    I logged 25+ hours of beatmaking this weekend

    I dont know if you can compare a beatmaker with an athlete... I guess what you want to acheive is to be able to do a beat whenever you want and tru practice and hard work, you want to better yourself. I guess that could be done, but then, is it really necessary? If it works for you, that...
  12. sYgMa

    test your hearing

    No problem hearing all the tones... and very clearly actually... I'm not sure a hearing aid would really be a good idea. I'm no specialist, but if the sound is processed (tru the hearing aid), you'll have a loss in quality... no?
  13. sYgMa

    Mya and oliva highschool pics LOL

    Naw... Mya's all right... she looked like she just let herself go and didnt take care of how she looked, but she was still cute. now, Olivia, that an whole other story right there!!! She looks scary as f**k! Stylists = cure for bad gene pool... lol
  14. sYgMa

    The Words Woman Use

    Real talk... lol... let's see if I could add to that list... ARE YOU SURE ? she is giving you a second chance to change your mind before she bursts out for "nothing". If it is followed by a "loud sigh", you better be prepared for a "five minute" conversation that will probably end with a...
  15. sYgMa

    Midi Controller w/ FL Studio?!

    You said the magic word (cheaper... lol) I was thinking about taking an Athlon too, but I wasn't sure... Are they both pretty close in terms of performance?
  16. sYgMa

    I logged 25+ hours of beatmaking this weekend

    I'm guessing (cuz I dont really know) but I dont think Pharrel, JD or any producer force themselves in making beats... I mean, beatmaking is creation. It's art. Forcing art is not something I would do. I could do a 10h of beats (with 30 min breaks every 2h or so...) But I wouldn't mind if...
  17. sYgMa

    Effects :) Seaaaaaarch the forum, it's full of resources
  18. sYgMa

    Midi Controller w/ FL Studio?!

    All righty... now I got the mullaz in the bank... 1st up: New computer (as yall said, the bigger the better) P4 3.0Ghz around 1 Gb of ram... (got a good deal... he he he) NOW... what are the sound cards I should be looking for... I'm looking for sumthing not too expensive and with...
  19. sYgMa

    Does Dre really produce?

    ^^^^ nicely put... that's a personal choice though... and a very good one too Since I'm comfortable with drums and my real music background is with a band... I'm wondering.... maybe some day (lol)
  20. sYgMa

    Does Dre really produce?

    Yeah... there was a thread talking about that... Beatmaking and producing are two VERY different things... most people on illmuzik are beatmakers. If you just got FruityLoops/Reason/an MPC/ etc... and just make beats... even if you got people spitting on your shit... that's a beatmaker...