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  1. manguino it again!

    Kanye thought he should have been opening and was pissed Brit was doing it, and I think he may have been right. She was looking pretty sad. Giving up a bullshit image would result in more props? Sounds like you're more into the image than anything else. and no, i'm not a kanye fan by...
  2. manguino

    Questions for the DJ'S here

    Honestly, the most economical for you would be getting top quality DJ equipment, and not a starter kit like you linked. If you're planning on becoming serious about what you do, you're going to end up upgrading your mixer and set of tables for stuff that isn't shit in the future. Seriously...
  3. manguino

    Week of September 08, 2007

    Sampled by Wu-Tang already (ghetto pass revoked): Shouldn't stop people from flipping though!
  4. manguino

    Look @ These Numbers! Terrible!!!!

    Vinyl will always exist as long as audiophiles exist. I hear Apple is planning on making a record company where all there sales are online only.
  5. manguino

    Top 5 Beats of All Time

    I searched, there was one thread but it was locked. Feel free to post more than 5 if you want. But what 5 beats would you rank as your favorites EVER? Tough I know, take your time, try to focus on the beat itself even if the flow could easily be part of the entire experience itself. Here we...
  6. manguino

    Dillamentals (Mix)

  7. manguino

    Production on Kanyes and Fifftys New Albums.

    Yeah, Graduation definitely grew on me. The bad tracks are really bad. Big Brother is embarrassing like the family dinner in "The Celebration" is embarrassing, especially since the album ends this way. "You can be my black Kate Moss tonight" is probably the cheesiest line ever. I thought he was...
  8. manguino

    Is it really worth it getting a mac

    I'm both an XP and OSX user, one for my major and one just for random stuff. Macs are definitely a little bit on the more expensive side, but everything is so intuitive and asthetically pleasing, that I'd save a couple more hundred bucks for a new Macbook vs. a desktop. But if you're short on...
  9. manguino

    2 Absolute HipHop Classics of All Time.

    Cosign on both, but T.R.O.Y. is a part of me. I remember the first time I heard the instrumental, definitely a meltface moment.
  10. manguino

    NEED some SERIOUS help!

    Also try tuning the bass an octave or two above what it's currently at and see how that helps. But yeah, tuning a subass is a bish.
  11. manguino

    Common - Drivin Me Wild Studio Session

    Common's been pretty eh since Resurrection, but then again it's hard to go up or even straight after an album like that. I got excited after he released Be, and thought he was going in the right direction, but Forever is pretty tepid to me. Too muchathat gap-commercial production, rap didn't...
  12. manguino

    New 911 Could be Imminent

    Coming from a first world western nation, it's easy for us to critique and disect a country so culturally different from our way of thinking, that it may be offensive to go as far as to defend Saddam whole heartedly. Free Western nations have the right to choose for our leaders while they were...
  13. manguino

    Mims says that Kanye jacked his style

    i'm still waiting for the trance remix to "This is Why I'm Hot"
  14. manguino

    Production on Kanyes and Fifftys New Albums.

    i can't listen on this connection right now, but that nottz track on kanye's album is pretty good, can't say too much about 50 at this point, just hoping he can back up alot of the things he's saying.
  15. manguino

    Dillamentals (Mix)

    Updated Again!
  16. manguino

    Dillamentals (Mix)

    Updated the link!
  17. manguino

    Dillamentals (Mix)

    Taken from another board to share, 72 minutes,102 different Dilla compositions, mixed to perfection from his early work to his posthumous works- it's all here.
  18. manguino

    Week of August 22, 2007 drama - the first few bars seem a little disconnected from each other, but the drums do a pretty good job at keeping everything connected as a song. i'm not sure what you can do to make it flow a little better, maybe fixing the chops to...
  19. manguino

    Week of August 22, 2007

    FLIPPED. RIPPED! Going to listen to everyone's now, didn't want to get any ideas prior to making mine. it's kinda unpolished but i'll work on it more, sequencing is correct for now though
  20. manguino

    Justblaze video (& t.i)

    both versions were pretty sick, i loved the electric guitars, and the reverberated pluck in the first version though. amazing to see the working process like that.