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  1. Bosta

    Whats your Beatmakin Style?

    Yea I rap and make my own beats so naturally I kind of set it up for me in my mind. But at that same time I try to make the beat capturing enough to where you would want to listen to what I'm and then on another note I just dont give a damn. I think you should do your best on any...
  2. Bosta

    How come?

    try messing with the settings when u export. Under sampler's interpolation....u might have to change it 6 point hermite or lower. I had a similar problem and that fixed it for me Good Luck
  3. Bosta

    sampling ringtones (kinda)

    Yea I do that all the time if I'm sampling an old song. I load the midi in Fruity's Piano Roll and back up certain instruments.
  4. Bosta

    Beat This Comp Idea..

    Yup! Yea thats a good idea. I would try and do something with that. :) Check out my remix to Justify My Thug and tell me what yall think.
  5. Bosta

    FLstudio Masters: Innovation

    Upload The Flp Yo can you upload a .flp with that parametric EQ already set like that. Looks Good!