FLstudio Masters: Innovation

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Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
This thread is for experience users to share some of thier creative innovations with others. I've use the program for over 7years during that time, I've developed ways of doing things that you won't find in the manual. If your doing anything innovative in FLstudio that you can't find in the manual, share with us, atleast one thing.

Ok, Anyone who has been working with FLstudio knows that the Parametric Eq is your best friend. While working in cool edit pro, I was inspired by it's 30 band graphic eq which all cool edit pro users should know is the truth. Knowing how versatile FL is, I decided to see what could I do in FLstudio alone. I decided to make a 30 band parametric eq using the 30 band graphic eq of cool edit as the frequency reference guide. After digging into it I found that Fruity's parametric would only reach a frequency of 16000. So instead of a 30 band parametric eq, I made a 28 band parametric eq (your regular parametric band is 7). It did not have the exact effect that I was looking for, but it's great in it's own way. I set it up in my mixer, and when I was done, I saved the mixer channel settings so I could open it whenever I needed it. Here a screenshot. I'm sure you can figure out all I've done just by looking at it. Also, if you want to make one, remember to lower the main volume on each of the eq's. It can also give you a unique feedback effect. Don't never say I didn't drop a jewel on you.

On the picture, the white dots are the items you should pay close attention to.


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Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
You use the software better when you know what's in the manual. Sometimes I found myself doing things the long way because I didn't know any better. Once you know, then you can go on to develop more innovative tricks.

I forgot to add, that when you first start off, you won't hear anything from that sound until you start boosting frequencies, the higher frequencies are normally harder to hear anyway so keep that in mind and keep playing with it. Here are the settings I have for the fast dist and the compressor. As for the fast dist, I'm only using it to amp the sound.


  • KA-FastDist&Comp.jpg
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ill o.g.
Pretty smart, Kev. - but the things I've always wondered about is what the secret to gettings sounds morphed to realism and not that synthesized sound. I know its possible cuz I've heard other people produce on it, so I'm wondering _ do they just jack in a keyboard and record the sounds? is there a plugin/vst no matter the cost that emulates down the 10th octave carefully?, Is it eqing/mastering the sounds? or is it spending mad hours digging for just that perfect commercial sample to shape into a melody? Are soundfonts really the key and is it worth spending mad moolah to get professional standard and if I do cash out, will I regret spending that money? I know this a lot of stuff to sort out ppl but I think this is one of the most challenging aspect I've found in my years of using FL, and that is getting rid of that darn "synthesized,digi" sound. Help a brother out will ya?

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Somebody once said that they didn't like FL because it was too easy and it didn't force you to learn the certain aspects of music that others rely on. I think that's one of the great things about FLstudio. Because you are not forced, your improvement depends soley on the desire in your heart. To go out and search for these things, and figuring out what you need to look for. I most cases, a digital producer will be a one man band, so you have to think of it that way. The answer to your question is not really in the software, but in the general principles of mixing and mastering. Try and make that eq I showed above. I never use it on the master track, but I've been crushing samples and vst's with it. The more I use it, the better it's becoming to me, and it can give you a weird kind of cristal clear sound to a distorted sound. You can crush sound with this thing, Knock all traces of bass out, or highs, or just about any frequency you want. For those vst's in particular, try knocking out one of those middle frequencies, look for that frequency that makes it sound like a toy, and don't forget to try the same thing with the regular 7 band parametric eq, cause it's still the bomb. Put some Reverb and Chorus on your send channels and see what flava they add to the sound as well. The greatist plugin ever made is PSP Vintage WaveWarmer. That thing is so amazing, I'm using on almost every song on atleast one instrument. It's even good for Mastering. T-racks is a mastering software that came out with a vst plugin, but the plugin is too big to be seen in FL pligin window. I use the standalone version, and it's great for mastering. You can always master in FL, but I'm just in the habit of using the standalone, but by time I get to the standalone, it's not much to do because FL studio handles alot. And again for vst's, you have to find the right vst too, alot of vst's are crap, watch out for those free one's too. Cloning channels can give you thicker sounds, and you can adjust the volume of the second channel to the desired setting. SoundFonts are good, but you can't preview them before you use them, and I got so many, I just never bother with them because they slow me down. I think I'm going to have to do a soundfont day or something. Another good source for samples is ebay, a friend mines bought a 10000 sample cd for 4.99, that's 5 bucks, do a search, you'll find one. I've probably gottin off the point by now, try using the flanger or phaser on some of your instruments for some additional movement, start by turning the volume of the preset all the way down, then slowly adjust them til you get what you like. Apply what you can to whatever, if it's a certain vst, let me know what it is, and maybe we can make a song using it, while trying to make it sound more natural, then come back and share our notes. Also, open up some of those demo songs that come with FLstudio, if you hear any sounds that you like, disect the file to see what was done, saver mixer settings etc. Remember, certain sounds are normally mixed at certain frequencies, you might want to find a chart about that, and use it for a reference, but remember, just take a general idea from them, they are not written in stone, and you may not have heard the sound of the production of the person who made the chart, find maybe 2 or 3 sources. I know if you ask wings, he'll find the cream of the crop. Oh, sampletank has a free vst with about 20 free sounds, and it's worth the download.

J-rilla I'm in complete disbelief too. That first post actually hurted.LOL


Reppin V.I.C
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
you know i never would of thought of that but afta seeing that pic it is relatively easy to work out churr brudda
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 3
Wings Of An Angel IS IN THE HOUSE!

"i know if you ask wings, he'll find the cream of the crop"

after reading this, i just had to give away some nice links ;) :nanner: :smokin: :

1. Magic Frequencies (Excerpted from The Mixing Engineer's Handbook): http://www.digitalprosound.com/2002/03_mar/tutorials/mixing_excerpt1.htm

2. Tutorial - the Computer Music Guide to Basic Mixing: http://www.computermusic.co.uk/tutorial/bmix/bmix.asp

3. A Basic Mixing Method: http://www.music.columbia.edu/cmc/courses/g6630/BasicMixingMethod.html

4. Mixing Science (Primarily focusing on guitar instrumental music recording/mixing): http://my.core.com/~candy24c/ms.htm

5. CM Guide to EQ: http://www.computermusic.co.uk/tutorial/eq/2.asp

Take Care,

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Crucial Wings, especially that first link. That's going up on the wall in the studio. Thankx

FL users, come share your expertise.


50 Million Year Trip
ill o.g.
Ok, not really a fruity specific one this, but a nice effect which I've been working on making something out of with this as atmospherics. It uses a coupla third parts vst effects, mda roundpan and classic phaser - available from http://www.mda-vst.com/ and http://www.kjaerhusaudio.com/classic-series.php

1)Load up a hi-hat/cymbal sample in your sampler and send it to a free fx channel
2)In the sampler hit the reverse button, so your sample is played backwards
3)In your fx channel set up this chain - Classic Phaser --> Fruity Delay --> mda Roundpan
4)Set the delay steps to one and turn the feedback up a little
5)On the phaser experiment a little, but try upping the feedback and rate until you like the sound you are getting
6)You can mess around with the rate of the panning and synch it roughtly to the bpm of your beat
7)You should now have a sorta spacey scratching whirring around your head
8)Drop a beat :D


ill o.g.
Well, here you go folks, here your chance to get your very own Krzy Loop, it might be worth sommin one of these days, kidding.
@ Kev - been messing around for the last couple week with the eq's and principles and such, I am slowly mastering certain elements like the whole drum patterns: snares, kicks, hi hats.. I tried using the eq set up u had, but my old faithful pc can push it, so on the .zip loop file I slimmed down the parametric to just the frequencies I need, sounds are coming out great, but a still hitching on the instruments. So I have FL kEYS loaded plaing a melody, and I just wanna hear what it sounds like after you retouched it, when your done just emal it to me at krzyk@itskrzy.com and i'll post it up.
So Here It Is To Download
And Here Is A Printable, More Easier To Read Frequency Guide

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
Good looking out BoneyBoys, Krzy I just sent that FLP file back to you, it's not complete, but I've done alot of writing on it. I sent it half done because of the amount of reading you have to do, so when it's done, you don't have to read the whole thing at the sametime.

KiaVia, you'll be surprised at how simple FL does some complicated things. As soon as we get another tip, I'll drop another jewel in the thread.
Later Peeps

Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
That's just plain lazy Bosta. If you do it yourself, you'll better appreciate it.

benny beatz

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 36
A trick i recently learned is using the 1,2,3 - 0 keys above the letters on the keyboard. These mute or unmute the first 10 channels in the step sequencer. Pressing CTRL while hitting a number will solo the channel, and hitting CTRL + the # of the solo'd channel will bring back all the channels. I started doing live compositions of loops, using a seperate recording utility (Creative Recorder), and just recently learned (by accident, like so many features of FL) that the mute/unmute/solo functions are fully automatable. So you can record your live compositions (in a seperate pattern, just put plenty of the patterns you want playing in the playlist), and head to the event editor to make changes if you mess up (haven't really had to do this yet).

This is great. I really feel like im really playing an instrument when im sequencing beats. I get a major rush when I bring in all the instruments at exactly the right moment during a loop breakdown. Also, I no longer waste my time dealing with the boring task of cutting and pasting different patterns to sequence them correctly in the playlist.

I guess if you want to put a bridge in your songs (I rarely do) you might not like this so much, but for me it works great and I spend more time playing music than sequencing....


I am experimenting using the parametric eq setting described by you in the main channel of a project...my question is...how do i save those settings and bring them out in another project rather than setting it all up again?

thank you

how do i save the parametric eq settings to be able to use in another project? can this be done? if so, what are the steps? or do i have to reset it over again in each project.

Kevin A said:
This thread is for experience users to share some of thier creative innovations with others. I've use the program for over 7years during that time, I've developed ways of doing things that you won't find in the manual. If your doing anything innovative in FLstudio that you can't find in the manual, share with us, atleast one thing.

Ok, Anyone who has been working with FLstudio knows that the Parametric Eq is your best friend. While working in cool edit pro, I was inspired by it's 30 band graphic eq which all cool edit pro users should know is the truth. Knowing how versatile FL is, I decided to see what could I do in FLstudio alone. I decided to make a 30 band parametric eq using the 30 band graphic eq of cool edit as the frequency reference guide. After digging into it I found that Fruity's parametric would only reach a frequency of 16000. So instead of a 30 band parametric eq, I made a 28 band parametric eq (your regular parametric band is 7). It did not have the exact effect that I was looking for, but it's great in it's own way. I set it up in my mixer, and when I was done, I saved the mixer channel settings so I could open it whenever I needed it. Here a screenshot. I'm sure you can figure out all I've done just by looking at it. Also, if you want to make one, remember to lower the main volume on each of the eq's. It can also give you a unique feedback effect. Don't never say I didn't drop a jewel on you.

On the picture, the white dots are the items you should pay close attention to.


ill o.g.
Over 7 years w/FL is a long time...FLStudio Master! thanks for sharing ya secrets/innovations.

J Cro

ill o.g.
AMG said:
Over 7 years w/FL is a long time...FLStudio Master! thanks for sharing ya secrets/innovations.

thats roughly how long i have used it.

fruity 2.7 baby!!!

mr wires

judt wondering #1- what bass sounds do you use on ur fl projects
#2- how do you put a sustain on a particular sound on fl
I just cant seem to get this right


Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
sanabria said:
I am experimenting using the parametric eq setting described by you in the main channel of a project...my question is...how do i save those settings and bring them out in another project rather than setting it all up again?

thank you

how do i save the parametric eq settings to be able to use in another project? can this be done? if so, what are the steps? or do i have to reset it over again in each project.

Since your using four parametric eq plugins at once on the same mixer channel, what you need to save is the mixer state and not settings on the actual individual eq's. In your mixer options, there should be options to load and save mixer states.