1. I been super sleeping on this thread.
2. I am going to make a slow transition from fitted caps to wigs. I think we need to make it okay to rock wigs as a man. I know I will be going bald soon and I want to rock wigs. You guys need to back me up on this.
3. I will not rock tight pants. I think that is just another way to try and "show off your body." Which is superficial.
4. I will never understand the lust gay people gave for their own gender. I guess I just love women too much. Women are the greatest thing ever created. I do however understand the need people have to have a companion. It just so happens that some people are more comfortable with their own gender because of events that have happened to them in their life or because they were born that way. I have no problem with that. Just don't come at me with it. I have clients, friends and family who are gay and they are great contributors to the community. SERIOUSLY. They give back more than other people I know.
5. Only problem I got right now is GETTING PAID!
And I would like to cosign RELIC.
My problem is how uneducated people have become, its sick, if yall could see what I see on the daily you would be ashamed of the human race. People are just stupid as fuck, and yes, I know, Im people too.