Yo, I dont know how to say this so you can understand, but
sorry.. too excited, but on the real, please do so... you won't regret it.
Stop messing around and making other version, that can wait... If you already distributed that program, someone could simply use your idea, and modify it so it's different from what you did and then you're screwed...
So get your facts straight! PATENT the idea ASAP!!!!
lol, thanks, but a patent on the actual techniques or ideas used in the program would be worthless : a patent on the actual specific technique would offer little protection because that's unlikely a copycat would use the same approach, and as for the whole concept, there were precedents before Photosounder, they're just not as memorable or usable, so any patent on the idea would be rendered worthless simply by showing that it was done before, even if it sucked.
So my only choice is to stay on top, which right now is easy considered how much of a head start I have on anyone who'd eventually want to try to catch up, and if anyone did that for the money I doubt they'd pull off anything better than a gimmick, and even then I know what's next, by the time anyone would understand the whole concept and be able to come up with a competitive product I'd have pulled a new trick that would leave them scratching their heads.
Combined with my pricing (typically such products would be sold in the $500-$2,000 range, not for $30), I believe that it makes it quite unattractive for anyone to want to seriously compete here. And if anyone comes up with anything I'll steal their good ideas anyways if they have any
(hey, that's fair game if they copy me to begin with!)