New sound separation technique on Funky Worm

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The Moose With The Most.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 32
My mind = Blown.

If I had some spare cash, I'd be jumping at the chance to help you get this patented and out there. Great idea mate, it's incredible.

The Arkitekt

Millionaire? Right now I'd be happy if I could even get half the minimum wage out of the sales of this thing hehe... although I get unlimited amounts of praise :D. And no I haven't patented it, can't afford it, damn global crisis for making anyone including myself broke!

What would such a company do by the way? Just promote/distribute/sell? Or own the whole thing and tell me what to do?

I honestly don't know shit about business, however my idea would be to save up to get it patented, because if a big company sees this kinda shit you know they are jumping at it and you can't do nothing if they get the patent first, this is really some crazy shit you came up with, creds to you. Then after its patented, demo it for a few big audio companys, come up with a contract and license that limits them to only distribute it, while still having ownership yourself so you can do w/e the fuck you want with it. After demoing to a few company's tell each one your showing so and so company's the product and have sort of like a bid on which one will offer you the biggest percent of profits. You will DEF make mo money if you got some big ass company marketing and distributing it for you, they already have the gigantic customer base. Like I said, I don't know shit about business so i'd talk wit someone who does if I was you. You could probly get some good answers from the member God on this forum (he'd probly know what to do), although he probly has enuff doe to get some programmers on this project lolol. Actually scratch that, i'd just go to someone who really knows business cuz this idea has mad potential.

Step Soprano

ill o.g.
pretty sure as long as u can prove u invented it first, a patent is no longer completely neccesary. Although i warn you it would be a pain in the ass to go through the legal hastle if you someone steals the idea.


ill o.g.
Typical... lol

All of you are gonna wait for the cracked version, sad...

Yeah, good luck with that, the full binary can only be downloaded if you already have a serial hehe, so that kind of ruins to point of cracking it ;).


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Dude I am going to support you and buy this thing because frankly I dont think you realize exactly what you have here, well you prolly do , but you came to the right forum for others to realize this too.
You def need to get this patented.
Im buying it, who's with me?

I need help!

Im down to buy it. Friday is payday.. why not. I would like partnership lol!!!


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
Yeah, good luck with that, the full binary can only be downloaded if you already have a serial hehe, so that kind of ruins to point of cracking it ;).

THAT IS FUCKING GENIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY LORD DUDE YOU ARE THE FUTURE OF SAMPLING I'LL LOVE YOU LONG TIME LOL(sorry for typing in caps i'm just so excited) and usually i would download this software for free but i'm going to snitch on anybody who cracks your software omg that shit is amazing damn!!!! please evrybody get a job and pay for his stuff and support dude because this man has just changed the game completly!!!!!

ill o.g.
this is INSANE. wow. you programmed this yourself?? and came up with the idea. you are a fucking genius. where have you been hiding. no doubt this has a hugeee amount of potential. but maybe before actually going and selling it, patent what you have first so no one steals it. maybe get a deal too with sony or w/e huge ass company to say that when u complete this then they get the rights to distribute or w/e. ya i'm inexperienced in business.

does this preserve the "quality" of the sound tho? i mean i'm not too sure what the program does tho.

give it a sleeker gui. maybe give it an internal editing program? or external, where u can set the bpm and then "snap" notes to the bpm. if they wana make beats. dam.

wow i just saw what u did with the slowing down. thats 999999x better than time stretch. do they already have this kinda thing out there to replace time stretch? if not that get that idea integrated too lol.

i'll be buying this soon. anyway i'm more interested in this product. plz post up more info on how this works. peace


ill o.g.
I just finished extracting the main whiny instrument from the chorus of Ohio Players' Funky Worm and I thought that the new technique may be of interest to some of you.

I detailed and illustrated the technique here , but long story short it consists in editing the spectrogram of the sample in question in Photoshop.

i would like to see some whole video tutorials on different songs. how specific can you get when trying to take out individual instruments and whatnot? do you have to have an instrument solo'd before you can delete it out of the mix?


ill o.g.
this is INSANE. wow. you programmed this yourself?? and came up with the idea. you are a fucking genius. where have you been hiding. no doubt this has a hugeee amount of potential. but maybe before actually going and selling it, patent what you have first so no one steals it. maybe get a deal too with sony or w/e huge ass company to say that when u complete this then they get the rights to distribute or w/e. ya i'm inexperienced in business.

does this preserve the "quality" of the sound tho? i mean i'm not too sure what the program does tho.

give it a sleeker gui. maybe give it an internal editing program? or external, where u can set the bpm and then "snap" notes to the bpm. if they wana make beats. dam.

wow i just saw what u did with the slowing down. thats 999999x better than time stretch. do they already have this kinda thing out there to replace time stretch? if not that get that idea integrated too lol.

i'll be buying this soon. anyway i'm more interested in this product. plz post up more info on how this works. peace

lol thank you thank you. Yes I came up with the idea, I compelled me to learn how to program in C and learn about signal processing.

It preserves the quality of the sound only in "lossless mode". Otherwise it can maim the sound pretty badly hehe. And yes, much remains to be done to make it more complete and have more functionality, I have plans to work on that, unfortunately being the only person working on it and not even being able to work on it full time anymore (doesn't sell enough to replace a job) things can take time.

Regarding time stretch well it's mostly good for extreme ratios (i.e. slowing down hundreds of times) but not so much for more reasonable ratios, which is pretty much the opposite of what other classical time stretching algorithms do (i.e. it sounds fine if you change the speed a little but past a certain ratio it sounds just awful). And I do intend to post more info and make more blog tutorials and videos, but I'm also busy working on the Mac version which is highly in demand.

i would like to see some whole video tutorials on different songs. how specific can you get when trying to take out individual instruments and whatnot? do you have to have an instrument solo'd before you can delete it out of the mix?

Yeah I'm going to do whole tutorials. Regarding taking out individual instruments, it can be pretty powerful, I mean, you can get very precise when removing/isolating something. If you can clearly hear what you want to take out then it should be quite feasible. And no you don't have to "solo" an instrument before deleting it, actually that's more like the other way around i.e. you need to delete the instrument before soloing it ;). Deleting is easy and forgiving, you can pretty much achieve anything using Photoshop's clone tool.


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
Yo, I dont know how to say this so you can understand, but



sorry.. too excited, but on the real, please do so... you won't regret it.

Stop messing around and making other version, that can wait... If you already distributed that program, someone could simply use your idea, and modify it so it's different from what you did and then you're screwed...

So get your facts straight! PATENT the idea ASAP!!!!


ill o.g.
Yo, I dont know how to say this so you can understand, but



sorry.. too excited, but on the real, please do so... you won't regret it.

Stop messing around and making other version, that can wait... If you already distributed that program, someone could simply use your idea, and modify it so it's different from what you did and then you're screwed...

So get your facts straight! PATENT the idea ASAP!!!!

lol, thanks, but a patent on the actual techniques or ideas used in the program would be worthless : a patent on the actual specific technique would offer little protection because that's unlikely a copycat would use the same approach, and as for the whole concept, there were precedents before Photosounder, they're just not as memorable or usable, so any patent on the idea would be rendered worthless simply by showing that it was done before, even if it sucked.

So my only choice is to stay on top, which right now is easy considered how much of a head start I have on anyone who'd eventually want to try to catch up, and if anyone did that for the money I doubt they'd pull off anything better than a gimmick, and even then I know what's next, by the time anyone would understand the whole concept and be able to come up with a competitive product I'd have pulled a new trick that would leave them scratching their heads.

Combined with my pricing (typically such products would be sold in the $500-$2,000 range, not for $30), I believe that it makes it quite unattractive for anyone to want to seriously compete here. And if anyone comes up with anything I'll steal their good ideas anyways if they have any :D (hey, that's fair game if they copy me to begin with!)