I really dont get why people who sample say that composed beats are not true hiphop... Really, I like both style and samples do give a "grimmy" "rough" sound to the music... but does it really HAVE to be that way?
I like to cut drum beats and add compositions or cut a sample to use as an instrument (changing it's pitch, streching it etc...) and I also like to use generators... that what hiphop should be... a blend, a mix of different flavors.
If you stick to East Coast beats... well, you'll be labeled as a east coast beatmaker (and that's all right). But I prefer to be a beatmaker with versatility... using every tool I can use.
As for real time (I guess you mean composed beats over a midi controller), I like it a lot, but I prefer REAL real time... a live band is, to my opinion 100x better than sampling or composing on the computer... If I could do live shows with a mix of composed, sampling and live musician, that would be as great as it could be!