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  • warzone finals voting begins in...
  1. Formant024

    Sticky Show Your Setup!

    No tubes bro, only in the guitar amps hehe The guitar rack is portable, I can write stuff in logic or mpc or both, detach a few midi wires and take it on stage. Everything is modular which is higly flexible since there numerous moving of gear every week over there. Only thing not in there is...
  2. Formant024

    Should This woman be allowed to die? What do the religious/atheists here think?

    I think those religious goons need a life of their own, same for that millionair that offered the husband a million just to let her live ( as if it's about the money ). Everyone should be in the right to end their lives when THEY consider it to be unbareble to continue, not a priest from...
  3. Formant024

    Stereo Htas-Request

    ehr, all drums are mono, an overhead takes care of ambience around a drumkit. Stereo hats just take up mo headroom.
  4. Formant024

    Emu People

    It's not really windows ( well yeah it is but ). When you're doing high reso jobs like video and/or audio than you can forget about multitasking or internet for that matter because they all they up resources you need for processing, transferspeed and buffer ( and because windows cant benefit...
  5. Formant024

    Sticky Show Your Setup!

    Pic from rig on the rightside of the controlroom Left rack Lexicon MPX100 | Multi fx Lexicon MPX100 | Multi fx Lexicon MPX200 | Multi fx Roland SRV-330 | Reverb Digitech DSP-256 | Reverb/Delay Digittech DHP-55 | Harmon/Amp simulator Roland SDE1000 | Delay Fostex ADAT | Patchbay...
  6. Formant024

    getting music from mpc to laptop

    I'd definitly go for a good interface, enabling you to record at a quality worthy of selling/using. You got 8 out on the mpc, use em! If not, still get a 2 chnl I/O for the mac with enough headroom.
  7. Formant024


    those asio4all dont work well all the time, I dunno what FL version you're running. But you can record quite easily in 5.0 by setting a recording input in the mixer and opening a audio track. I'll check if I can show you later on. Well, there not much you can do about your HD then, but keep...
  8. Formant024


    It would still suck though since the card doesn't support asio n all, I'd definitly save up for some PCMCIA audio card. Do you mean recording or rendering ? If you mean recording an input from the soundcard, then it might be usefull to make sure you have a fast HD with enough cache. This...
  9. Formant024

    Who am I not listening to, but should

    You should listen to your mother...
  10. Formant024

    Emu People

    Word, there been bitches complaining about loads of errors, about drivers etc etc, where it moslty comes down to is badly cracked warez, non intel setups and noobs. Second, the mixer's routing are that of an nline mixer, there no point in screwing around when you dont know the purpose of such a...
  11. Formant024

    Sex Education

    ^^^^ That shit still rocks ^^^^ Die shit rocked nog steeds
  12. Formant024

    Sex Education

    hij vraagt er wel om he, kan ook nog op zn limbo..... anders houwe em inge op de toepes.
  13. Formant024

    Sex Education

    djeez rauf, ga naar bed man hehehehehe
  14. Formant024

    scsi cables

    yes they're available, but their expensive...
  15. Formant024

    Just an Idea !?

    Oke, Fade's out being mr Numb.... I meant S O U L S E E K
  16. Formant024

    Just an Idea !?

    I can get loads on request, it's all on record ...the rest is via ********... nuff said
  17. Formant024

    never smokin weed again

    I've bought some white widow once, got me and my girl going nuts since some ass gave me a snowwhite ( comes with speed )... Oh well shit happens, first time for every one right ?!