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  • warzone round 1 voting begins in...
  1. sYgMa

    the 4 elements

    Well, then if spoken words is poetry, then .... graffiti is just art... breaking is just dancing... and if beatmaking is just making music... DJing is just playing records... no?
  2. sYgMa

    Can't Stop Making Mellow Beats, Plz Help Me!!

    I dont think the sample is what makes a mellow beat... I heard the dirtyest, grimmy, hardest beats on mellow samples... it depends how you flip it! Using a violin sample, for exemple can lead to both styles... depending on the drums pattern, sound, the other instruments you put on top of the...
  3. sYgMa

    Hip Hop Festival In TORONTO!! Luda, Nas, Kanye and more!!

    Wow! Hope I'll be able to go! Looks nice!
  4. sYgMa

    Chillin in my B-Boy stance!

    Are there anyone here how does or listen to B-Boy beats (or are b-boys, for that matter) ... cuz those beats they listen to are crazy! I was at that B-Boy contest and I wanted to ask the DJ what where those beats, but I didn't... there where a lot of old funk and jazz.... incredible!!!!
  5. sYgMa

    Jackson Jury Reaches Verdict. Seriously.

    Wow! I knew it!!! Thing is, when you got that much fame, you dont go to jail. Well, Martha Stewart got the doe and did the time, but she's no MJ!!!
  6. sYgMa

    the 4 elements

    I was at a B-Boy competition last night, it was my 1st time. I didn't know there were some in Montreal, but that made me wonder about those 4 sacred elements: DJing MCing Breaking Grafiti And I think, later on, Beatboxing entered in there making it the 5th element... My questions...
  7. sYgMa

    Can't Stop Making Mellow Beats, Plz Help Me!!

    I think creation is a reflection of your mood and perceptions... and I have the same problem... cant make a laid back song... not the ones I'd like to do... they are grimmy, dirty, club or anything else than laid back... that's why I'm learning about chords and all... so I can really compose...
  8. sYgMa

    flip the showcase

    I Think that using a proper loop is as important as making the beat interesting. BTW, when you say loop, do you mean.... a) a part of the song you're making that is repeated or b) an actual part of an other song that u use as a part of the new song you're doing Some people lack basic...
  9. sYgMa

    Progression and chords

    nice idea too Chrono... good looking out!
  10. sYgMa

    LOL.. lets build a story

    What? It's over? No, not yet!!! Episode 2: When we left off, BrunceWayne was giving hoes away to satisfy the sexual appetite of all the people raping moneys because of the infamous toxic gases, and Jason Giambi was sticking a Needle In His Ass, hallucinating flying cows and giants scrotums!
  11. sYgMa

    Turntable advices

    140$ for a needle? wow! Aiight... if that's what I need.
  12. sYgMa

    Progression and chords

    I dont like them... that just me... and I think they are bEatLeSs... but that's my opinion, don't get mad lol
  13. sYgMa

    FL 5 question

    YEssssss! nice! thx a lot, homz
  14. sYgMa

    Turntable advices

    mmmh anyone? What sets the quality of the sound in a turntable ? If I want a clear sounding sample, what do I need to look for ?
  15. sYgMa

    Progression and chords

    The White Album... from the BeatLess... well, for the sake of music... Anything else.... pleeeeeease!
  16. sYgMa

    FL 5 question

    Perfect!!!! Thanx a million... I'll try that when I get back home. As for the playlist....
  17. sYgMa

    Progression and chords

    Yeah.. that, I already know... that's what I'm studying right now... (you made a mistake though... D major scale is D E F# G A B C#.... only 2#) but thanz that answered my question... So, as I said, what songs could I check out (for beginners)
  18. sYgMa

    How 2 Make a Melody or Bassline with FL Studio

    If you use the BooBass, a nice all around setting is maxing up the bass and lowering the Mid and High.
  19. sYgMa

    FL 5 question

    another question about fruity since the one here was already answered... (no need to open another thread for 1 question...) Is there a was that I can ask fruity to "quantize" automatically, so that the blocks I put in the piano roll or the playlist have specific places and cant be dragged at...
  20. sYgMa

    Progression and chords

    Thx Rob... I'm not far enough to understand what you wrote there, but I'll get back to that when I'm there... I'm still studying, but I'm just wondering... is there a difference in style (not in pitch) when playing on a different major scale... I know that, when I get a melody in my head...