Yutaka - "Evening Star"

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695
I was looking to surprise you all with something tasty and unexpected.

Was looking forward to it all week. Heard the sample, heard what I wanted to do with it. Chopped it up. But it just doesn't work.

I just really can't do this boombap stuff. Just doesn't ever work.
@Sole Element I like the intro and the bass, but for me personally, music is a balance between the hypnotic repetitiveness and the changeups that keep you interested. This beat seems to be too far on the changeup side of that scale for my personal taste. I cant get into the groove because it keeps changing, if that makes any sense.

@Fade Real smooth flip, nice drums and like @Iron Keys said, nice mix. Makes me want to dig out my turntable

@Andante Im getting DITC vibes off this beat, like Big L, OC or AG, maybe some Fat Joe and Big Pun.

Sole Element

Battle Points: 1
@Fade thanks! I honestly have to go back and check that I think it was somewhere around the middle. There was another part I thought about flipping but i lost interest after I found those other spots.


Battle Points: 3
Things have just been kind of clicking for me lately. I'm starting to get to where I want to be in regards to making beats. I've been trying real hard to move away from stuff that sounds sad/aggressive. I have a full version in my signature if you haven't checked it out yet. It has an intro and outro. I will critique everyone's beats later tonight.