Your favorite software to make beats?

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RaO large

ill o.g.
I just started using logic and it seems really amazing. It's incredably deep and the possiblities seem endless. I also use recycle along with PRGM Maker for the MPC 1k and I love it!


Making head bangers!!!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 26
tricky spinz said:
haha, nah man, this shit is WAY better than d4l.
Big Tone said:
i have a vsti that has all of the 8 bit nintendo sounds.

I got the same question for both of you... you got a link of that?!

Big Tone

You done fucked up
ill o.g.


ill o.g.
I love my motif es i go to that first
sometimes i use FL Studio for quick beats
sometimes i use Acid 5 but....
I love the motif the samples sound so good when you chop them up in there....
Also i love creating reggae riddims or piano/violin drivin hip hop on the motif the instruments sound the most realistic to me of all the synths


ill o.g.
FL Studio and Cubase SX all day!
FL for quik shit, and Cubase when I have more time, and want 2 knock up sumthin nice.
Anyone else use Cubase?


ill o.g.
im using cubase and reason together, i like both, but then again they the only two that really caught my eye when i was looking, so i decide to stop precrastinating and cop them and start making beats,

J Cro

ill o.g.
tricky spinz said:
honestly, i've only used Reason and Sonar 4 for any real amount of time. And sonar is just crap compared to Reason. i love the versatility of reason with the manual wiring you can do, and there's an endless amount of sounds you can have with new refills and shit.

Sonar is miles ahead of Reason in its capabilities.

J Cro

ill o.g.
I personally use FLStudio because I can do everything I need in the box. It supports all major sound formats (WAV, REX, AU, SF2 etc), DX and VST plug in support. Easy to use interface. I can bang out patterns in seconds compared to doing so in Sonar, Cubase, etc. The latter have much better MIDI functions but I don't really need anything more than what FLStudio provides.

Only time I don't use FLStudio is when I make my final mixes. I mix 90% in FLStudio. Then I dump the tracks into Pro Tools because there are a handful of plug ins for Pro Tools that I can't get as VST/DX.
ill o.g.
ACID all the way...I've been thinking of switching to Cubase though, for the sake of better MIDI handling. The only things holding me back are its instability and its lack of direct-to-audio MIDI bouncing. As things develop I'll probably be on a later version of Cubase or Sonar sometime down the line...

Edit: the reason I don't like working with FL (and I haven't worked with it at all in most of my recent stuff) is the playlist is less well designed imo, and I like to manually chop my samples directly on the playlist, which is easier to do in ACID. So it's a workflow/comfort issue. Part of Cubase's appeal is that it's got a similar looking interface, though I'm not sure of feel yet. So I think of it as ACID with more MIDI functionality and support for hardware mapping.

I hate them damn dongles though. Last thing I need is another USB port taken away, lol.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
I tried all kind of software and hardware. I use reason, and a vs880. i use to use sonar but the groove sucks on it! never tried the mpc's I used a s2000 and a roland mc50. Mix it up Hard and Soft (ware that is).

slik da relic

RS Jedi
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 1
i guess im the only RS7000 user up in this piece... i like machines that have knobs to turn, avoiding pages of menus... i also got the Alesis Fusion keyboard, and the Korg ER1 drum machine. there isnt a sound i cant emulate, as well as create. this aint a knock on FL and other software programs, but the sounds sound the same to me. i dont know, maybe people use too much of the same sounds or something. i need "hands on" creations, and hardware does that for me.

da relic


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 16
spanishharlem said:
i love my FL and my M-Audio 49e its all i ever creative with my mind in all other aspects

Wow, that's exactly what I use. Cool to see I am not alone.:D


Roving Beat Maker
ill o.g.
dj360_iNfInItE1 said:
Wow, that's exactly what I use. Cool to see I am not alone.:D

u guys aren' t the only ones with that setup, i just added a fast track pro to mine tho,
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