Why do you believe in religion?


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
Sorry, I have to say something that some of you may not like. If you think that means you, feel free to skip this post.

Forgive my bluntness but you are straight up wrong. The belief that "mine" is the only way is the main cause, (or excuse), of all the bullshit perpetrated in the name of religion: The crusades - Christians couldn't bear the thought of their Holy Land under the control of "Heathens"; Islamic Terrorism - Infidels are wrong so it's okay to blow them up ect etc etc etc ad infinitum.

Seriously that is the most ignorant thing anyone of any belief can say. Jesus the man never, never, never, said anything like that. He never said that unbelievers would be punished; He never said his way was the only way; in fact he never said he was the Son of God at all. He stressed his humanity above all: "I am the Son of Man", (sound familiar?). You just cheapen his message by attaching bullshit like that to it.

LOL... no offense taken at all, and to everyone and I hope you are not offended at my response... but just a heads up, I'm not here to argue my faith or beliefs because I don't like pushing them onto people. I'm a believer more in example than words, so that is why I shy away from the arguments.
@ Sincock- the things I have typed are not me just saying them, They are scripture, and Jesus DID say them. Like when he said
"I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the father except through me." Which is why I say he is the only way,
"For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels." this is what I was referring to. I never once cheapened his message, and never once mentioned the word punished. There are numerous other passages that back me, but like I said I'm not one to argue my beliefs. Also, I know some people take the "mine" thing a bit far, but that just comes with the territory of any belief. You have extremist, and you have those who use their belief as a mask for there evil to justify there ways. Even though the teachings of Jesus Christ are non violent and filled with love.
Any how, I hope I didn't come off as I was trying to condemn or judge anyone, because only God knows your heart and it's none of my business.lol.
ill o.g.
Dam too long to read. I have a lab soon anyway. I don't believe any of the religions out now but do believe there are laws and forces in this universe. I don't believe there is exactly a mind behind those. I believe that life consists of waves and vibrations and patterns and everything can potentially fit in with that. I believe that with enough time and research in sciences we'll be able to discover what a "soul" really is, and that it can fit into some complex theories that govern the universe.

As for religions with myths and physical gods with free thought, I don't believe at all.

Just something for people to check out (Catholics/Christians):

I don't mean to bash, but I mean to try to show people views from all angles. If you disregard this as fiction then that's your decision. I haven't looked into all the claims in those videos, but if they are true, then it killed any hope for me to believe in Christianity (or more specifically the Bible).


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
Why would you need god or the bible to tell you that?
Well, in my belief(and I will keep saying that, because I don't speak for everyone.) we are born sinners, so unless taught right from wrong, why wouldn't God tell us this?

sorry but that is very narrow minded. If someone halfway around the world that is jewish in an area with a jewish culture does a life of bad things and does things that go against jesus's ways of the proper life, will jesus send them to hell? or people if the many of the other religions. And if jesus does, why should jesus be more powerful than a deity of another religion?

I see how you can say it is narrow minded, because I basically shut down all other outlets to heaven but one.lol It's scary to think that your good works can't "buy" you a ticket to heaven, but you must at least try to live a life of faith and deny yourself.
That Jewish man you speak of, will have a chance. Just like everyone of us has a chance.
As for other deities, out of all of them, Jesus is the only one who is God in the Flesh.

If god wants a relationship with everyone, why doesn't he try to have a relationship with me? Or any of the other millions of people that don't believe in him or believe in another religion or deity? God obviously never talked to anyone before except through these so called "actions" (only actions and events) that are 100% capable of happening otherwise and do not require a divine power (please prove me wrong). Sure there are people that claim they have talked to god and got answers back. There is also people that are proven to be mentally insane and see things/hear things, people that are complete liars, list goes on.
Well dude that is the thing, he does try. Most of the time people who don't believe in him won't take the time out to acknowledge him in anything and want to believe everything is "coincidence"
As for God talking to people, when someone prays to God, and I mean really gets into prayer, he will speak to you. It might not be all flashing lights and a thunderous voice, but he does speak.
I will agree some people are insane.lol. but my take on these people, and I know this is going to spark a whole other debate, but I think these people are possessed. I do believe in the existence of demons by the way.

Please explain relationship... a relationship requires more than 1 person/thing/etc. Has he answered you back in ways other than actions that you consider "miracles" which can 100% be a coincidence? How do you know what he wants from us? Did he tell you? Did a man made book such as the bible tell you?

Well it is a number of things. A relationship is best explained like in my previous post. It is like marriage. He has answered me back a number of times and each time is different. I know what he wants from us from the scripture and prayer and honestly just by pure faith. I know "man" wrote the bible, but there is something powerful about it when you read it. I don't read the bible like a story book, God will often speak to you through the bible. God can speak to you through actions or even working through other people.

I was always skeptical of the bible, church, religion in general. The more I looked at it though, the more I can't deny it. It gives life a meaning, and it gives death a meaning.

I was a part of this church that is made up of only teenagers.(besides the group of pastors, who started it.) During this time I seen God's work in action alot. When you see a kid come in and they are basically trying to be hard, and even mad dog you cussing and just acting crazy like most teens.lol... then you see them that same night crying out, and then that same month just become a different person, it is amazing man.

You can question me all day long, and some answers I might have and some I might not know, but when it all comes down to it, I have yet been able to deny the existence of God and the power of prayer.
They are scripture, and Jesus DID say them.

Ive never seen any physical evidence that Jesus ever existed, so how can you be so sure that someone whos existence is in question could have DEFINITIVLY said something.
The only evidence as to Jesus's existence is mentioned by Plato the greek philosipher, but then he also mentions atlantis, which is another story altogether..

I was brought up on sunday school, I got a little religious education as a kid, but real life made me start to question my beleifs and refine them not to include a need for any religion to tell me what I should beleive.
I know right from wrong, I know whats morally just, I endeavor to do good deeds and help those in need of help, I will put evil into the light of day and expose it for what it is.
And I dont need Jesus to do any of that. My faith and appreciation of the worlds greatness goes to that which made the universe possible. The intelligent creator.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
nation of gods and earths... reppin.

seriously though this discussion is going to go nowhere productive and is only going to serve to tear the community apart.

politics and religion should be kept to ones self.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
Ive never seen any physical evidence that Jesus ever existed, so how can you be so sure that someone whos existence is in question could have DEFINITIVLY said something.
The only evidence as to Jesus's existence is mentioned by Plato the greek philosipher, but then he also mentions atlantis, which is another story altogether..

I am referring to what i have read as Jesus words in the bible, in which I believe to be true. I also believe in his existence.
The argument of his existence is a completely different subject then what Sincock and I were speaking of. Sincock stated that some of the things I said were never said by Jesus in scripture, I was simply showing the scripture in which I quoted, and trying to show I wasn't "cheapening the message"

I am with Magna on this not going any where. I am not here to prove anyone's religion/beliefs wrong. It seems that people always seem to get defensive when it comes to Christianity, and that is understandable, but I think it is taking over the main subject of this thread.
The main question was:
Do You Believe in Religion and why? I don't think the point of this was to break down another's belief and try to convert them away.lol.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
nation of gods and earths... reppin.

seriously though this discussion is going to go nowhere productive and is only going to serve to tear the community apart.

politics and religion should be kept to ones self.

I personally enjoy reading this discussion. I think its interesting to hear about other peoples beliefs. I have a very open mind and don't get offended by what someone else thinks. I think most on here are all adults and aren't too sensitive.


Comes Equipped...
ill o.g.
I personally enjoy reading this discussion. I think its interesting to hear about other peoples beliefs. I have a very open mind and don't get offended by what someone else thinks. I think most on here are all adults and aren't too sensitive.
sho 'nuff, but discussions on religion seem to bring out the worst in peopel.

anyways I would only ever believe in a religion if I had no people left, you know? so long as I'm not alone I don't find religion necessary. Perhaps if I ever went to do a bid or something, I would pick up religion, but there are ulterior motives involved there..


ill o.g.
you guys can close it if you want. it wont break my heart. seems like to me you all was just testing the waters.
i think i'll start a thread on all the different racial slurs.
that should go over well.


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
I believe that religion was put in place as a basis for laws created by man.

In other words, your money isn't worth anything unless it's backed by something.

Whether or not god(s) exists, no one can prove it's existence/non-existence.

I do believe there is a higher power out there.....is it God, Allah, Buddha, or one of the 39048120498 deity? Who knows? Could be the different name for the same God...or vice versa.

I do have faith...and you do not need to believe in religion to have faith. Faith, to me, is another way of thinking positively. And I do believe in "the secret".

I grew up Catholic...did my communion & confirmation. I was even an altar boy (let the flaming begin...lol). As I became older, I questioned the religion that I was brought up in.

I see how religion has been setting standards for laws and morals for centuries. It's a form of slavery, if you ask me. Psychological slavery.

Another thing is that many Christians look @ the "radical/fundamentalist" Muslims as if they're evil.... Who's to say that they aren't the evil ones? Who's to say that they're all going to heaven and we're going to hell? Why is it pushed down our throats that Christianity is the "correct" religion??? Some people today look and chuckle @ the ancient Greeks and the many gods they worshipped......Who's to say their gods did/didn't exist?

There's just way too many questions....too many holes....

So I guess I really don't believe in religion....but I do not deny it's existence..LOL

The Arkitekt

And I do believe in "the secret".

Your talking bout the law of attraction thing right? I just found out about that recently... interestingggg stuff. I been lookin into it heavy, trying to look for the science behind it. I saw the DVD on it, good movie.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Your talking bout the law of attraction thing right? I just found out about that recently... interestingggg stuff. I been lookin into it heavy, trying to look for the science behind it. I saw the DVD on it, good movie.

Its a good concept and makes sense. Great things always happen to positive people. Which kinda explains prayer. If everyone is chanting, mentally seeing, feeling something and then it happens... is that an act of god or an act of using the universe to gain what you are praying for. So maybe people who cant do that very well without "a" god in their lives need god to pray to to make it happen. While the rest of us who dont follow a religion can see it as a tool instead of a act of hope.
I don't think the point of this was to break down another's belief and try to convert them away.lol.

If thats the impression I have given then I apologise, I pointed out before Im not here to convert anyone to any belief system, everyone has their own. I was just debating.
Eventually this thread could take a dive in the wrong direction, a persons beliefs are strong moral guides for life as well as providing security in that life is not all there is and there is a heaven for the good & morally just.
Belief systems are one of the most closely guarded things by their holders, because they hold great value(salvation for an eternal life) to the "believer".
No body wants to be called out for being wrong either.
Thats why so many have died in the name of religion in the past.
When two conflicting belief systems collide, something has to give.
As each belief is 100% true to both sides.

What I dislike about all organized religion is the way it closes minds to different possibilites, there is only their way.
Religious discussions cant be entered without an open mind, otherwise there is conflict.
Religion is one of the most divisive creations man has ever created.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
Eventually this thread could take a dive in the wrong direction, a persons beliefs are strong moral guides for life as well as providing security in that life is not all there is and there is a heaven for the good & morally just.

I kinda felt it almost did. lol. I am glad its stable enough to stay open though.

The Arkitekt

If thats the impression I have given then I apologize, I pointed out before Im not here to convert anyone to any belief system, everyone has their own. I was just debating.

wordd. same goes for me. If you feel like I was braking down your religion or whatever, Vice, as I also pointed out before i'm only trying to see your views. Like when I questioned your whole post before... I wanted to see a religious persons ideas on that, not trying to disprove your beliefs or anything as it might seem


Go Digital or Go Home
ill o.g.
Your talking bout the law of attraction thing right? I just found out about that recently... interestingggg stuff. I been lookin into it heavy, trying to look for the science behind it. I saw the DVD on it, good movie.

The Law of Attraction, The Secret, Think and Grow Rich are all branches from the same tree.
Prayer is the most common form of autosuggestion that exists. There are universal laws that govern mankind and life on the planet that most people (in America, especially) rationalize using religion.

I've noticed that many Eastern 'religions/philosophies' tend to embrace and acknowledge universal law in many of the teachings/texts that I've read.

Your mind is literally a magnet and once you start studying, you'll be able to meet someone and determine exactly who they are, and where they're going just by the words they say to you and around you. Fascinating.


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
wordd. same goes for me. If you feel like I was braking down your religion or whatever, Vice, as I also pointed out before i'm only trying to see your views. Like when I questioned your whole post before... I wanted to see a religious persons ideas on that, not trying to disprove your beliefs or anything as it might seem

I didn't take any offense to anything. I just didn't want to come off as me bashing peoples beliefs, because it seemed like some were getting upset at the way I believe, which like i said before is understandable.... but I didn't want the thread to turn into an argument.

By the way I just watched Religulous because of this thread, and it was really interesting.lol. He straight called out those telivision evangelist...it was comedy.
I'm looking in to those claims on the videos posted by Krysolite. This actually brought out something I've never heard before.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
My views on religion are virtually the same as Bill Mahers, so I was really glad to finally see something like Religulous come out and expose this viewpoint to the masses. It feels like only lately its just starting to actually be ok to expose this type of thinking on a world stage. Im just glad its finally emerged.


I like Gearslutz
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 5
I didn't take any offense to anything. I just didn't want to come off as me bashing peoples beliefs, because it seemed like some were getting upset at the way I believe, which like i said before is understandable.... but I didn't want the thread to turn into an argument.

By the way I just watched Religulous because of this thread, and it was really interesting.lol. He straight called out those telivision evangelist...it was comedy.
I'm looking in to those claims on the videos posted by Krysolite. This actually brought out something I've never heard before.

Seee!!! The movie is funny stuff. Its on my Ipod touch right now!! Wooot!!


9ine 2o 5ive Live
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 71
Seee!!! The movie is funny stuff. Its on my Ipod touch right now!! Wooot!!


The funniest part is when he asked the ex-gay preacher if he had a boner when they finished the interview.haha.. I only got about half way through it and my wife came in and didn't want to watch it. I think I got all the way up to when he was talking to the pot head. Overall, funny stuff.