The Beat Strangler
Are you kidding? You came into this thread with guns blazing and posted an entire thesis about Apple, claiming their products are far superior than anything else.
I've seen tons of people that swear by Apple. That's great, but it doesn't mean other brands are shit. From what you outlined, Apple has some great tech but they're not the end-all either. Not everyone needs an ecosystem, that's why I asked this question. Some people don't want to be locked into an all-in-one company, but it seems like the average user feels they need to get an Apple product when in fact they don't.
Plus their products are mad expensive. In Canada, the iPhone 13 Pro is $1399 and Max is $1549!!!! For a phone! I think their Macbook pro is starting at $2499. Maybe I'm cheap, maybe I'm out of the loop, but that's A LOT.
I tried Apple for a while but I just didn't care for it. It's not for me. Besides, they have plenty of shitty practices over the years, just look at any Louis Rossmann video lol. I remember a few years ago they tried everything to block him from importing the parts needed to fix products. I think they even sued him?
Anyway, I didn't mean for my curiosity to turn into a whole debate.
I've seen tons of people that swear by Apple. That's great, but it doesn't mean other brands are shit. From what you outlined, Apple has some great tech but they're not the end-all either. Not everyone needs an ecosystem, that's why I asked this question. Some people don't want to be locked into an all-in-one company, but it seems like the average user feels they need to get an Apple product when in fact they don't.
Plus their products are mad expensive. In Canada, the iPhone 13 Pro is $1399 and Max is $1549!!!! For a phone! I think their Macbook pro is starting at $2499. Maybe I'm cheap, maybe I'm out of the loop, but that's A LOT.
I tried Apple for a while but I just didn't care for it. It's not for me. Besides, they have plenty of shitty practices over the years, just look at any Louis Rossmann video lol. I remember a few years ago they tried everything to block him from importing the parts needed to fix products. I think they even sued him?
Anyway, I didn't mean for my curiosity to turn into a whole debate.