Omnisphere has decent basses in there but you got to tweak it a bit. Regarding subs, Fabfilter's oscillator (FF One) sounds good when you mess with it, but it requires even more tweaks than Omni's. Haven't tried Trillian yet, nor Serum, but I would like to dabble Serum a bit it seems like a pretty amazing synth.
Regarding other basses, Scarbee Rickenbacker, as Sucio said, is also great for some palm mutes and I also use it whenever i'm in the mood to just play guitar and destroy the shit out of my strings xD. The Scarbee MM-Bass Amped is also nice sounding and has 4 main presets depending on the style of bass you want. I've also read good reviews on ISW's Shreddage Bass but haven't yet had the chance to try it out.