That analogues devices DAC makes the difference from EMU and Akai. Best mpc setup is one with a good sampler, in that case a mpc2k in combo with a S3000 would be sounding like the mpc3k, same for the mpc2k with the s950. The mpc60 with the upgrade would also equal the S3000 ( later upgrade was made by either Tom Oberheim or Roger Linn, I remember that Emu also had a share upon some upgrades n fixes upon the mpc60 ). Im definitly happy with the mpc2k on the S750 and the other mpc2k on a Emu Esi4000/Esi2000 ( with Turbo ). Ones for the dirty sound and the Esi's are for the more clinical sound. All the fx etc are bull, just plain midi and use external fx, that the best thing around any mpc, thus it's strong point. Im thinking of swapping the Esi for a Z8 in combo with mpc, logic. Currently I have high expectations on that combo. And for grainy sound Im about to look into a S220 by roland, also an oldy but perfect for hiphop.