damn y'all are fucked up, my drunk night doesnt get nearly as fuckd as yours'
The first and most memorable time i got fucked up on alcohol was back in the 10th grade. I don't remember anything from that night but I think I'm able to piece it all together from my friends telling me. We're drinking on the 50 yeard line of our high schools football field, middle of november in toronto. No snow, but cold as fuck. This was one of the first times I even went out and the FIRST night I woke up not knowing how the fuck I got home. To make a long story short, I got drunk as hell, tried hollering at some chick, somehow ended up getting my clothes removed, and ran around naked on my football field continuing to holler at this chick (so they say).
Hey, did you guys know girls don't really like naked drunk guys running around trying to holla at them?? I know, crazy eh?!?!
Back to the story, so we left the school, and got some pizza, then I ended up passing out in the parking lot of my school, right beside my regurgitated pizza. Yumm. Then my firends called my moms to pick me up. Luckily my mom knew I learned my lesson and is pretty cool about that shit so she didn't really care lol. since then I haven't thrown up a whole lot from drinking, I tend to know my limits now lol
Let me remind you all, I still don't remember a second from that night and everything I've said is hearsay from friends of mine. I'm still convinced I'm a good drunk, so as far as i'm concerned we basically all just chilled and talked it up on the schools football field lol