absolutely no comparison.Cubase is the master and reason his slave - this is a great combo .
I love both ,started on reason but cubase is a mind expansion while reason is a fun machine.
Of course both are able to do incredible things on their own as many examples show,but Reason is very limited.
You could probably write a book at how many stages reason is limited comparing with advanced production software like cubase nuendo or logic or reaper.Even FL got lots of more to offer.
But I completely love reason.I would bounce all files trhough cubase busses though ,even if you produced all channels with reason only - and of course if you got cubase too.
I love both ,started on reason but cubase is a mind expansion while reason is a fun machine.
Of course both are able to do incredible things on their own as many examples show,but Reason is very limited.
You could probably write a book at how many stages reason is limited comparing with advanced production software like cubase nuendo or logic or reaper.Even FL got lots of more to offer.
But I completely love reason.I would bounce all files trhough cubase busses though ,even if you produced all channels with reason only - and of course if you got cubase too.