Try not to get too But this happened to me back in the day (before i tied the knot). I went out to a club, got pissy drunk and needed to pop one. Well ofcourse, after all the booze the A-game was shot, it was near the end of the night and this ugly chic with a smokin body was diggin on me.
Considering the circumstances, this chic had to go After I hit, and recovered the next mornin, I remember waking up and looking at this chic thinking what have i just done? This chic was butt ass ugly, but then she woke up and went to bathroom and I realized why i hit, the body was bang'n.
Then I felt somewhat justified and my boys That was kinda jacked up but booze will make a 1 look like a 10.
Considering the circumstances, this chic had to go After I hit, and recovered the next mornin, I remember waking up and looking at this chic thinking what have i just done? This chic was butt ass ugly, but then she woke up and went to bathroom and I realized why i hit, the body was bang'n.
Then I felt somewhat justified and my boys That was kinda jacked up but booze will make a 1 look like a 10.