Father Timeless
You would think so, but a lot of "rappers" dont even spit these days and "clubbangers" dont make headnod. None of that gets airplay, instead you get some random dude making a lot of show which gets picked up by the next gen. Its their example of how hiphop should sound like, imo, next gen gets dumbed down since noone have any skills whatsoever. Sure, we still have some folks that go around the mainstream tag but that only cool sometimes. Kids want to identify them selves with those "artist" with the biggest show. In our days those shows would be a blockparty, the dj, the artist and some funny features, nothing fancy at all was needed to get the product out.
Thats the evolution of the social connection between artists and the audience. People arent impressed by spittin. They want something easy going, and fun. Lazy? possibly, but I havent seen many MCs (Master of Ceremonies) fill the void yet. (Though trends are heading back to hardcore bars. Theres hope.)
Its our job to bring back the VALUES of our culture we loved.