web page

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Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
yo can anybody give me some tips on building web pages or some good books to read cuz my dad wants me to build him a page for his art buisness. and does anybody in illmuzik hack computer for fun i am kind of interested in that.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
i don't know i saw something on hacking on techtv and it seemed kind of cool and i want to learn more about it and i searched google but they realy did'nt have nothing on it.

thanx for the links tho


The Lovable Rogue
ill o.g.
go on www.try2hack.nl, it lets u hack there site and u learn things in the process. If u want to make a website use dreamweaver its one of the best web design programs,


Kevin A

Differentiated Rebel
ill o.g.
If your already good at design I would go the flash route. Get flash, and do the tutorial, the tutorial should take about a half hour, plus it's interactive. Great program, and you can also export it as a html document, mess with it in dreamweaver or whatever. If you have Photoshop, you can even design pages there and export them as html, slice em up so they load fast, etc etc. Visit Flashthief.com they have tutorials, swf files for you to explore, and most of the top of the line artist using the software has a link on this site, so you can see alot great sites done in flash.


Roll Tide Roll
ill o.g.
cool thanx i am going to check all of this out. but on that try2hack.com u got to have some hacking software for that like cane&able and all that other stuff