We flying high, let's touch the sky, and hope we never ever come down...


Battle Points: 26
Whoa this is dope man! Feel like putting on some new jays and walking down the streets of NY. The change up is quite impressive. Feelin it!

Dusty B

Battle Points: 38
It's supposed to be red, white, blue facepaint messing around in DALL-E. I'm a hardcore 'Merican my man.
DALL·E 2023-11-24 13.51.01 - A portrait of a man with curly, shoulder-length hair and a full b...png

How's this

Dusty B

Battle Points: 38
Shit is dope. Has the grimey feel my shit is missing.
Thanks for the listen, man. Always appreciate your feedback.

Honestly, I struggle to make my shit sound clean, it always comes out grimy even when I try, hence DUSTY and I've just decided to roll with it lol... but I'm just a sucker for manipulating sounds and using VSTs based on vintage gear. For ex: the drums are 5th Dimension - Rainmaker that I tried to mix like hip-hop drums (YT below). Glad you liked it!
