I read on yahoo's homepage that this virus is apparently a Big Fuck You to tha manopoliztion against Linux heads, so these assholes created this thing to piss them off.
It also has a trigger date to stop spreading/DoS-attacking on February 12, 2004. While the worm will stop on February 12, 2004, the backdoor component will continue to function after this date.
Its basically gonna 'morph' and start causin more trouble on that date if they cant figure out how to stop it...
Note: Its also called MyDoom - dont open that shit!! And report these emails to your mail provider! I just check it as spam and its automatically deleted and it never comes back, for this virus in paticular tho i think it can keep sending its self to you because it reports back and then in 30 seconds sends out a email to everyone in your address book.