Congrats to
Here's Fade's "Alpha Beta Cuck" Review:
@A.R. DASUPASTAR - I like the drums, especially the kick, it thumps nicely. The strings get a bit repetitive but the keys/vocal sound is a nice touch. This would be great for a rapper.
@Bandia Gotach - This one is interesting in how slow it moves but I'm feeling it. It's just those hats sound like something at a really low bitrate, it's odd, but the rest is good.
@B.Nevolent - Hard beat, good for a battle. The low end is a bit on the heavy side and clips but the beat has a nice epic movie vibe.
@Declik - I like the mix and the drums sound nice and tight, but it's just the synth sound bouncing in and out that gets a bit repetitive. Maybe if it was a bit quiter in the mix, but it's a nice beat.
@DiFKiNCHi - Really good beat, I like the intro and how the drums come in. I would just have the talking a bit louder. The piano is nice, fits well.
@Face Valid - Tight drums. Strings are nice but pattern gets a bit repetitive. The bassline gives it a good balance, I just wish the bass would carry the beat rather than the strings.
@guitardep - Very nice synth pattern. Low end is a bit heavy but goes well with the drums. I wish the drums were not so laid back. But it's a really good beat.
@InsideOutBeats - Dope intro. Good head nodder. I like the samples coming in and out, goes well with the drums. Solid bassline.
@KiloOnTheBeat - Very good laid back beat. Good mix. 808 is just a bit too thumpy but still solid. Good instruments used throughout, the melody is on point.
@iNonxG - I really like the drum work on this one. The melody is good, works well with the vocal snippets. Sounds like a fight beat.
@SJAMBOK BEATS - I like the melody, good use of the synths. Drums work well with it, I just think it's a wrong choice of vocal snippet. Using Rihanna's voice and a fast tempo and it's borderline Pop.
@thebeatscook - Nice low end, that stands out the most. The lazy drums work well with that synth, good job on that. I like the drum work.
@Vtrain56 - I like this beat, good drums and piano is nice. I just wish the piano had more variet in it. Solid mix, good use of the space.
@Wesbeats - I really like this beat, the only issue is how quiet the mix is. But it's a solid beat, laid back night time beat.