Hello guys i just launched my youtube channel and became more active on posting on soundcloud. I now nothing happens over night and takes more work than most know about. My question to you guys is how do i get more people to view my videos and my soundcloud ? How do i get more subscribers and more people being active with the music i make? I know as far as share on all the sites your active on but there has to be more to it. My goal is to be bale to monetize my youtube but it takes 10,000 views to do so and i want to have people just to listen to it and tell me how they feel about it or their take on it, i mean i could use beatstars but then ill be paying more than i can make at the time lol. So i know a good bit of you guys have been doing this longer and have a solid following and whatnot so whats your suggestions and/or how did you do it ?