uh... no more like you forefitted your rights to be safe from unlawful search and seizure... and the cops run VINs to check for stolen cars ALL THE TIME. You've probably had yours run hundreds of times and not ever even known about it.
You tell a cop they can't look in your car when they pull you over and see what happens (They
cant go in the trunk obviously, anything inside is fair game). And BS again thats not regular protocol.
Then again they pretty much do as they please and protect their own just like a gang when their
in the wrong.
Never been arrested ever in life but i've been pulled at least 10x in the last 6 months for being
a target of suspicion but I drive an 05 suzuki forenza and never had any tickets or violations.
I just get randomly pulled over for supposed broken tail lights and checked and searched. AGAIN IF
YOUR NOT A MINORITY 75% IT WON'T HAPPEN TO YOU ... Sorry but caucasions don't just get
randomly stopped for nonsense made up reasons and then questioned and searched/padded like a
criminal regularly but any minority thats get pulled over does. Liscene/registration yes, all that other
shit getting taken out and etc NO ... Not even on the its because im (insert race) here it just so
happens to be that way with this topic.
CT, NY, FLORIDA ... Happened in all different states, different cars, all legit and always drove away clear.
it doesn't matter what race the cop is ! ... a cop is a cop PERIOD ive been done wrong by blk, white,
spanish cops.
i know EXACTLY what H&R is sayin... especially in Harlem... shit is bullshit... they try to justify pullin you over with bullshit excuses... but as soon as a "more important" radio call comes in, they could care less what u have on you... i dont give a fukk if the police is good or bad, if theyre 2gether, theyre gonna do that shit bcuz they CAN! and i have police friends... shits fucked up... you're pissed off the rest of the nite... cant even enjoy yourself most of the time after that.
da relic
tell a cop no your going to jail ... resisting arrest, failure to comply, and whatever other chanrges
they wanna make up and throw you in the back of the squad car for.
blind ass people who have
never had it happen think the police are saints. Their only good when your on the in need of
help end.
Sorry if it seems like im angry or ranting ... Just pisses me off when people pretend cops are saints
but then never had any problems with them.
Their all not bad but 75% ain't their to do good and serve
and get a warm feeling at the end of the day from doing good. Just a job with the task of getting
your quota for the month.