U Can Get A Belt Drive For $50, So Long As U Aint Gonna Try To Scratch
i dont really know anything about turntables, did a lil bit of readin up now
but i cant find any belt drives for that price, all i can really find are turntables suhc as
http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx...ogle&U=220512&T=Alias&MA=Belt Drive Turntable
which i beleive is the same as what kontents posted
also, how does a belt drive turntable restrict you from scratching
try a search for a gemini. a belt drive turntable is operated by a rubber band to a degree and its hollow on the inside under the turntable itself, its just not sturdy enough to try to do too much, u can scratch if u know what u doin but u cant do too much.