Tracking beats rwired from reason in sonar

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ill o.g.
Ok I've been using reason 2.5 and sonar 2.0 xl for a while now. I just recently upgraded to sonar 3.1 prod. Ed.

For the most part I usualy make my beat in reason and exprt dat as a .wav file. Then inport it in sonar.(in other words not rewiring into sonar)

I already know how to rewire reason into sonar
My question is since I have every module in reason rewired to its on ind. Input on sonar is there a way to track the whole beat out on seperate tracks @ the same time in real time ?

If so how do you do it ? Thanks in advance for any help yall can give


ill o.g.
Ok since it seems no 1 knows ill answer my own post since I figured it out since I posted it.

I've tried different things since 8 am this morning ( us, eastern time [nyc]) .and I believe I figured it out.
Im not sure if this is the proper method but it worked for me.
1) rewire reason into sonar (all outputs)
2)add as many midi tracks in sonar as modules ur using in reason
3)go back to reason and save ur reason session as a midi file (don't close reason tho)
4)import the midi file into sonar( it should open each track from reason in seperate midi tracks in sonar. If not drag the files to the correct track.
5)go to ur 1st rewired reason track(not the mid you just imported)select and solo it
6)go to edit >select "bounce to track" (set up in the bounce dialog how you like) > click ok .
7) repeat steps 5 and 6 for all the rewired tracks yo want to mix down to audio tracks in sonar.
8)mute all the midi tracks and rewire tracks .
So itwont play along with the audio tracks and cause phasing.
9)now all your reason tracks are seperate audio tracks in sonar . You can close reason if you like and mix ur beat in sonar.

(And export as omf file in v.3 to import into other programs)


ill o.g.
How do you rewire reason in sonar? I just got sonar prod ed but i dont know jackshit about it yet. How do i rewire it with reason?


ill o.g.
Yo brooklynstyles what's good. I'm in bk too.
It seems realy no 1 on here uses sonar so if u got any questions about it hit me up and ill help u as much as I can.

Ok there's 2 ways u can rewire reason into sonar.
1 way if u wanna track ur beats into sonar ( as individual audio tracks and mix it in sonar .
To do that.
1)wire all your modules in reason directly to the "audio interface" in reason> save your file .
2) close reason and open sonar.
3) click on "insert" menu and select " rewire device" ( reason should pop up . Click on it)
A dialog should open askin if just the 1st 2 outputs or all outputs. SELECT ALL OUTPUTS.
And OK. And now all the reason out puts should be rewired into sonar.
*** To record those seperate tracks as individual audio in sonar check my previous post.

If u wanna just rewire the stereo ( 2 output only L and R) outputs of reason in sonar then
1) leave your modules wired to the mixer in reason.
Wire the out put of the mixer to the 1st 2 inputs on the "audio interface" in reason

Save and close reason

2) open sonar> set up ur project
3) click insert menu> select insert rewire device.
Again reason should pop up> click on it.

This time select " only 1st 2 synth outputs" or something like that.
Click ok

Now reason should be rewires into sonar as 2 tracks.


When u rewire reason into sonar, sonar will make the tempo (in both programs) a defauld of 100 bpm. So rember the original tempo of ur beat and change it in sonar ( and it will change in reason.

Hope dat helps.
Hit me if u have questions. BUT DON'T ASK ME STUFF U CAN FIGURE OUT IF U TRY 1ST.


ill o.g.
representing bk baby holla back! Thanx a lot man this was very helpful.