Top 5 things U do When Flippin Samples

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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
1) Warp the entire song to have more of the sample to choose from

2) Run the sample thru SPL's Vitalizer mk2 to beef it up and make it sound better

2) Start building my drums around the sample

3) Midi assign 13 notes on my keyboard to the sample so I can play it like an instrument, no matter if it's chops,loops or one shots. (Trick I learned which makes Ableton one big sampler)

4) Extract and apply the drums groove to the entire sample or to the chops and loops that I want to use


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
1. Choose and mark the sections of the song that I want to sample. If it's big chunks of good sample material, I'll auto-chop them in Edison and then edit them, if not I'll manually mark them with flags. In FL, all your chops are automatically assigned to keys or pads (if you know how to freak it).

2. I'll either use Waves, FL or who evers plugs to clean up or beef up the sample (or whatever is needed).

3. Start banging patterns or idea's out on pads or keys. I can either manually place my chops or record multiple takes and choose what I like the best. (I also do this with my scratches, but thats almost last in the creation process).

4. Lay down my drums while looping patterns. Add my effects or whatever, put everything together.

5. Adjust/Fix my mix.

Greg Savage

Ehh Fuck you
ill o.g.
Audition sample through different chains as I'm listening to it

Snag the groove/timing from the original song

Loop out a section or two and add drums just hear how they sound with the sample

chop out parts I like (mostly instrument shots) of the sample that can't be filtered cleanly

experiment with diff.processing chains

Layer chops/crossfade chops into.other.chops

Process drums and sample through the same chain