Protege said:
fuck all of yall. i'm standing by my vote for Bush!!! If Gore or Kerry were in charge this country would be in shambles. Gore had 8 years of a good economy and the motherfucker Still couldnt get Elected!!! And dont tell me that shit was rigged cuse it wasnt, yall just want to belive some left winged proaganda. Its not that I like Bush personally but i think he was the best choice considering the options.
Hey man Bush was decided by the supreme court in the first election = ILLEGITIMATE as far as we the people are concerned....which in turn made him ILLEGITIMATE as FUCK to run for a second term which was 90% run by computers that either some machines were defective or shut down early etc plus the company Diebold that made a lot the machines previously said they would deliver the election to Bush thats why the exit polls for the first time made no sense or corellation with the previous methods of exit polling and completely conflicted with the outcome....yOU dont think the country is in shambles when all of this big credit shit fall thru, people buying homes at the highest rate and most expensive ever with jobs that they can barely get paid enuff to make the notes on their mortgages so they refinance and put more shit on credit like new cars just to prop the economy up and make this look like its booming......
That is proof enuff to also support this very slim split that he won by in the last election so dont talk that smak.....I went to vote at precinct that I had no idea that in the years since the last election a huge redistricting took dont give us that shit about Bush we have had enuff
We had Surpluss in the Trillions and now we are in a deficit of Trillions and no end in site to this ignorant cowboying that has made 90% of the world our enemy.....
OH yeah son I am a VET dont get me wrong I love this country but it real fucked up about right now and any of you brainwashed republicans that think Bush really cares about you or anyone that isnt a big business or raking in more than 200G's a year you are mistaken he wants your vote, your taxes, he should be impeached for the lies he told and the people that joined up in the military for this bullshit and paid with their lives while we are here making music and enjoying life not even realizing the reality of that crap....and he is too much of a coward to go show his face at funerals of the soldiers his lies and own selfish motives led to....he went to IRAQ plain and simple and he said it...they tried to kill my daddy.....Osama Bin Laden is nowhere to be seen and they are going to pull of some shit worse if its up to them while we over in some country with nothing but oil and turning them into the BiGGGER afghanistan and lot of more practice building bombs and explosives than ever.........actually why dont you go sign up since you love him so much maybe you can prove how much you back up your vote...