Thinking of a way to use VST's with Propellerheads Record?

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ill o.g.
So I have the new Propellerhead Record/Reason Combo and I love it so far,everything sounds great and the mixer is incredible to me.The only reason I never took reason serious was because I just didnt like the quality of the libraries that are available especially compared to some of my personal favorite plugs like omnisphere and nexus 2 so now that I have Propellerhead Record I have come up with a few options that may help me use my VST's with Record.

Since Record doesnt support plugs-ins I figured I could record the audio from my vst's into Record.So there are a few options Im considering and need some advice on

#1-VST Rack like Steinberg V-Stack or Rax Virtual Rack
-The only question is how would I route the audio from the virtual rack to Record audio inputs

#2-Muse Receptor
-Sounds like a great option but very expensive and never heard of any good reviews

#-SM Pro Audio V-machine
-Great option but unsure about the amount of plugins I can use

Record is now becoming the central point of my studio and finding a good solution to use my favorite vst's audio into Record is my goal.

Post your ideas or advice please!

Thanks Alot in Advance


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Are we talking VSTi's or VST effects? I recently got Logic 9. I love Abletons work flow so I don't think I'll be using Logic in it's traditional way but I love most of the stock instruments and sounds in Logic. Them joints just sound so BIG with no tweaking at all. I think I'm going to do some side by side comparisons with mix and pre mastering the same track in Ableton and in Logic to see which gives me the BIGGEST sound with the least amount of tweaking.

I have Logic on my Macbook and I route the audio out of it into my Fast track pro and record the instruments into Ableton that way. There's no way I'm letting the production process of using the clip view in Ableton go. That shit is just too smooth and user (Producer) friendly. It's so similar to the work flow of the MPC. Looking at Logic and Ableton side by side the last couple weeks I can attest that Logic borrowed (lol) several things from Ableton Live. If Logic 10 drops and they have anything similar to the clip view in Ableton "you know wut it is"! )))))INFRINGEMENT(((((


ill o.g.
Are we talking VSTi's or VST effects? I recently got Logic 9. I love Abletons work flow so I don't think I'll be using Logic in it's traditional way but I love most of the stock instruments and sounds in Logic. Them joints just sound so BIG with no tweaking at all. I think I'm going to do some side by side comparisons with mix and pre mastering the same track in Ableton and in Logic to see which gives me the BIGGEST sound with the least amount of tweaking.

I have Logic on my Macbook and I route the audio out of it into my Fast track pro and record the instruments into Ableton that way. There's no way I'm letting the production process of using the clip view in Ableton go. That shit is just too smooth and user (Producer) friendly. It's so similar to the work flow of the MPC. Looking at Logic and Ableton side by side the last couple weeks I can attest that Logic borrowed (lol) several things from Ableton Live. If Logic 10 drops and they have anything similar to the clip view in Ableton "you know wut it is"! )))))INFRINGEMENT(((((

LDB whats good homie!

Due to a recent robbery at our private studio Im having to buy all new gear, so my mind is wide open right now on trying to decide between a laptop or a another desktop to build around and the only reason I picked up record was because all of the great reviews on it were good.I was really thinking about getting a new macbook pro but with all of the new i7 mobile processors available i have my eyes set on a new HP Envy which is way more powerful than a Mac.

Live is a awesome program very MPC'ish, I was going to see if you still had those videos on live


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
LDB whats good homie!

Due to a recent robbery at our private studio Im having to buy all new gear, so my mind is wide open right now on trying to decide between a laptop or a another desktop to build around and the only reason I picked up record was because all of the great reviews on it were good.I was really thinking about getting a new macbook pro but with all of the new i7 mobile processors available i have my eyes set on a new HP Envy which is way more powerful than a Mac.

Live is a awesome program very MPC'ish, I was going to see if you still had those videos on live

Damn....sorry to hear that! U damn near have to have somebody living in your studio these days and even then dudes will lay everybody down and take your gear. Nobody wants to hustle up and buy there own shit...they'd rather take from somebody else who does.

I rock multiple computers. A Quad core HP desktop with Windows 7 Ultimate on it and my MacBook with Snow leopard. I get the best of both worlds like that. Since I also have Final cut pro I'll probably try and cop a Mac desktop by the spring. Final Cut Pro needs the BIG BOY Mac to properly respond so that'll be my next big purchase.

I still have those Ableton tutorials on one of my hard drives. U may want to hit up though. I got a month to month membership with them for 25 bucks and that gives me access to every tutorial they have. Grab you a screen capturing program and record away! Cancel the membership when your

p.s. Camtasia is a great screen capturing joint. Great for making your own tutorials as well.


ill o.g.

There is a program out there called Samplit by CDExtract. It allows you to sample VSTis and other virtual instruments through your computer's built-in inputs or interface.

I've used it to sample some drum kits from Logic into Reason for processing before and it's pretty easy to use. The advantage of making your own instruments is that they become playable in Reason without having to use anything external once you've made the instrument.