DJ X-sinna said:
I think that's where the problem lies, the perfect mate is an image put together by the media and our own mental constructs.
We as men are very damaged as well.
I'm not against what you said, but some stuff you're saying leaves a sour taste in my mouth... The state of black women IS damaged, that's true. But even if the media is responsable for some of the damage, it is, in the same way, responsible for the damage on the black man's image.
I mean, when was the last time you saw a movie where a strong black woman was taking care of her kids, going through all sorts of problems and staying strong, while her man left her, because he was scared/selfish/irresponsable/etc... Well, that's a common picture, right ?
NOW, how many movies about the exact opposite. A guy taking care of his kids, with a wife who left... not a lot right ? Or a woman who was left by his man, and is going buckwild, doing all sorts of crap, not taking care of her kids... Even less...
And people will say: "Well of course! That's what happens in the reality. Men are dogs!"
Man are dogs!
they say that damn sentence in movies, commercials, mothers are saying that shit to their daughters, etc... Now, imagine a guy saying: "Women are bitches!" to his kids... wierd huh? It doesn't sound as normal as the other exemple, right?
Why is that? Cuz everywhere, that's the image given to guys ...
A girl dissing a guy in a commercial... REAL FUNNY!
A girl looking for a mate, in a commercial... she knows what she wants!
A guy dissing a girl in a commercial... what a dog!
A guy looking for a mate, in a commercial... he's looking for ass... what a dog!
So, I mean, yeah, black women's image is damaged. But is that a reason for damaging the black men's image? Wouldn't it be better if there was no damaging what so ever?