I'll try to answer some but not all the questions
ColdTruth-It was assumed that Cold Truth(the author )would answer the questions because 7 hours early he posted a thread called "Ask Cold a question." In that thread he stated "Ask me a question, and i'll answer" in which he did make attempt to answer most of the questions. With this thread being a "Remix" (Part II) I found it Logical to assume Cold would make some attempt to answer questions this time around which proved illogical when asked a question back by Cold in reference to answering the question.
MadScientist- Why is a question because through it is a Inquiry for reason.
FTdub- It is called taking a dump because you cannot take a dump and leave it Simultaneously.
Fade- This thread is useless because most of the questions aren't serious. The answers will have no significance to knowledge.
Streetwise- You aren't sign because everybody that wants to get in game, don't always get in the game when they want to.
Equality- People ask why because they want something, be it for what ever reason.
Tim D- The people that would Buy Commons records are mostly mature people who don't know common even exists. These people would think more about saving money than spending it. The people that would buy the ying yang twins albums are probably people that would waste money. People who waste money buy records.
Classic- Eversince Andre said " the south had something to say" at the awards, big attention went to the south because the commercial success of outkast's 1st album. People where looking for something and the something turn out to be no substance. Money and ignorance rules the south just like any placed else, the south just got thier own Ghetto Flava.
Cold truth- You can hear a Kevin A track just click the link below. The mp3 sounds better than the lo-fi stream.
Producer Gyal- The female character is used as a object because women won't united on that issue. No woman in mainstream media is being forced to be a object, rather she is willing to be a object for free or for a fee in return being showed to the free world as a object.