The Batman


Wasn’t sure where to put this but I watched The Batman yesterday and really enjoyed the sound design so I wanted to recommend it. So much gritty and raunchy bass going on. Just wait till the batmobil turns up ❤️❤️

Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 695
It’s a really good movie. But at three hours long it’s a commitment for sure.

Ngl i think most movies feel too short...
Plot starts to develop, it's real interesting gets revealed, then boom the final scene. They don't really leave time to play with the ideas and themes.

Similarly if a movie is real bland 3hrs is a fucking dragging feel.
I think a long movie is a great thing, its much better than having half the story left on the cutting room floor and ending up with parts that dont make sense. The directors cut of Aliens is one of my favorite films of all time, the theatrical release cut out so much.
One of my favorite films as a kid was Once Upon A Time In America, that was a slog, but one of my favourite films.


Unfortunately, now that directors don't need to worry about the cost of film anymore movies are undoubtably going to get longer. I'd be happy as long as they bring back the intermissions half way through!