strange problem in protools,ideas?

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Voice of Illmuzik Radio
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 83
Okay do when I put together Carolina cuts I have multiple songs imported into pt , for the most part they sound just like they did in my MP 3 player.however once in awhile I get a song that suddenly is"missing" elements.
For instance the valine may be gone or lowered or the snare our kick may suddenly be absent even the background sample will suddenly only appear in the hook part of the song.

I am completely baffled as to why this is. Its the exact same signal that sounds fine on anything else in the world from CD to mp3 to wmp but once in pt its all fugged up.

What can I do? What its causing this?
It can ruin the flow of a show and disillusion an artist that sent great material but now I can't play them because pt its doing this.


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 22
Definately in true stereo and not 2 channel mono? Maybe its summing the L and R channels to mono causing phasing to cancel some parts out?