Hey, I appreciate the help I've gotten so far with my MPC2kXL.....Here's my next question. I have an external CD-R with about 5 CD's full of different sample sounds.....anyway, I can't get it to load. It hooks up fine and everything and when I connect it it shows it as a SCSI 1.....and i can see that it recognizes it, too because I can see the names of the different sounds in the file field...but I don't know what to do it get it to load up so I can hear them from the pads. When I use the internal zip drive and turn the system on it loads those sounds automatically.....what do I need to do to get it to do that with my CD's? If someone could give me a step by step explaination I would appreciate it. Yes, I have the manual, I'll use the "shift-load" sequence and it just takes me to the screen....then I push setup and that's about when I get stummped.....on the set up screen I set the primary divice as SCSI 1 and I set the auto loding file type to APS+All. But after that it doesn't automaticaly load the sounds. Anyway, please give me some feedback so I can get this thing going. Hopefully it's just something very simple that I'm missing. I just want it to load automatically when it is turned on with the CD-R connection. Thanx,