I completely understand your perspective brother 2good, but how many people goto a university, graduate with debt and a degree for a feild they really wanted to work in only to find their dream job just isnt there? I mean at some point we as men have to get our hands dirty and provide for our wives and families...What does the guy with the degree do? He gets a job he doesnt love, he gets his checks, he provides and he sleeps fine at night...I'd rather make music thats not my cup of tea as opposed to being an electrician...call me crazy
I certainly wouldnt call you crazy, maybe misguided, but not crazy, I get called that all the time, its not nice. But...
Its not about just making music thats not your cup of tea though, its about influencing people with negativity. If you really want to get ahead in music, join the O.T.O(Ordo Templis Orientis) perform the music thats written for you, so your preconcieved image can implant that sinister message into the minds of the young, become rich, feed the family be very very successful, but at the same time becoming part of the media brainwashing that is destroying society, implanting evil(sex, violence, greed, vanity) into the minds of our youngsters, including your kids and becoming part of the problem that is destroying us mentally and leading us into slavery (mentally, financially and ultimately physically).
And to touch on something sucio said earlier, about becoming successful first and then trying to change from within. To become a success at that level, you have to accept a preconceived image that is made for you that has a sinister goal. Its that image that becomes the success, try and change that image or try to do something good or positive and you will find you are brought down with media lies. Just like Michael Jackson, Eminem, DMX etc etc.
The bottom line is that to be really successful in the "Industry", you have to become a tool for evil people that seek to control our hearts and minds, and manipulate us to their evil ends. You can say fuck everyone else and do well for yourself, or blindly be used as a tool and not even realise it, but one day you will realise it, and will you be able to live with yourself when that happens?
I have already made the realisation, I value my integrity, and strive to do the right thing, often to my own cost, I care about injustice, I care about the suffering of others and would like the world to be a better place for my offspring. If this means im never rich or famous then so be it, if I can die on my deathbed with the knowledge that I never fucked anyone over, trod on heads to get myself up the financial ladder then I can die a happy man. Money doesnt bring happiness, but trying to do the right thing can bring a sense of real achievement, its honourable, if it means I can look in the mirror and like what I see, then thats all the happiness I need.
Im not trying to be all self righteous, or holier than thou, I have my demons and have done my fair share of bad things, I have anger issues, but I do try to face them and be a better person, we are all human beings, we are all the same in that respect but I do TRY to do the right thing. Thats all I can do.
Thats ultimately why I only seek moderate success, enough to be able to pay the bills that have for so long kept me down. I dont want anymore than that, I dont want flash sports cars, a mansion or a yacht, simply for fear I might forget where I came from or what truly matters in life and at what cost to others did my wealth come.
And thats the reason I get called crazy, lol. And thats also the reason Im broke as fuck.