I never dealt with anything on the software tip, but this dudes spot I was over had Acid Pro, he did his lil beats by using the preset drums and samples he just loaded of of CD into it. Dont really wanna got that route but I was blown away by the quick and easy editing, I played with it for a minute, but didn;t really go thru it good, but I know I want something on this tip in my arsenal, this would save my hours on time.
My question is this, in your opinion what is the best program for editing and mixing, I'm looking for a system where I can run my insruments into the computer, so I know that involves soundcard and all that. But out of the jungle of shit out there what has the best mixing . I want to be able to run at least 5 or so effect per channel. and I need something that can support about 16 input. Then burn to CD,
Protool ,Acid , and whatever
What should I get? and why, and how much will the whole shabang hit be for.
I been going thry previous thread getting ideas, so don;t say that shit unless you got a link for me. Thanks
My question is this, in your opinion what is the best program for editing and mixing, I'm looking for a system where I can run my insruments into the computer, so I know that involves soundcard and all that. But out of the jungle of shit out there what has the best mixing . I want to be able to run at least 5 or so effect per channel. and I need something that can support about 16 input. Then burn to CD,
Protool ,Acid , and whatever
What should I get? and why, and how much will the whole shabang hit be for.
I been going thry previous thread getting ideas, so don;t say that shit unless you got a link for me. Thanks