So You Wanna Make Beats?

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IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
I wish I had a capturing card, so I could post the video and let the site take a poll and decided...If anyone can help w/ that... I'll be willing to do that... maybe split it up in to the too parts like it is on the DVD and have everyone vote on the 2 parts seperately....I'm totally surprise this thread caught on fire like this... is was just a thread to see who had part 2, but then turned into a thread about what is true talent and how do you know if you're wack...if you dont try.

Billy Bathgate

Yeah it's wild how it caught on. I would like to see the video to see what the deal is. I wish there was a was a way that you could post a link or something like that too. or put it on kazza. Then after seeing it I could you tell you the real deal and put it all to rest.


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
just a update... the guy i was going to ask to encode the video got's still in the wrks....


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
ok...I've got a way to do this, but the quality maybe ok, but it was get the point aross to some people, stay tune. It should be up by tomorrow or Sat. max.

Billy Bathgate

I will be waiting.

I mean by putting it to rest was the whole topic of the video. That's all. I figured for people like me who have not seen the video can see it when Freak post it and see for themselves. I just got done watching what he posted and it was just what I though. It is for real beginners. I would have no use for a video like that. I am not being arrogant or any thing like that but I am beyond this video. I could have used that video back in '95 but that would me w waste of time and $$ right now. But it seems to me that it would be helpful for someone that is curious about producing and has no access for limited acces to equipment.


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17

ok, here a snippet of the dvd, it looks like crap becuz it's been compressed, and i didnt take time to properly edit it, but it just there so you have a idea. notice the extreme close ups and step by step walk throughs..

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
hey freak... use the edit button to add to your post so that it takes up just one space.... and billy, what makes you think that you can gve us "the real deal and put it all to rest"? put what to rest? it may not be valuable to you, but someone else may see it and learn something new.


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
Back by popular demand...the badly edited, but quick snippet of Part I of the So You Wanna Make Beats DVD...You've ask for it, I got... sorry about the qualitity, but for yall that know video, its a picky thing....


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 123
I think that you have to be musically inclined to make hot RNB because of the required structure to make good songs but it can be done without far as hip hop that you can get by without real structure and transitions like chord changes and bridges....all that is required to make beats is a sequencer and your ideas...I mean just think of the old school beatmakers they didn't have videos and things like that....I think it's ok but it sort of takes away from your own ability to be creative and figure things out....that's just me.....I mean beatmaking is just using your ear and having timing and being able to match up keys and tempos and then your imagination a lot of DJ skillz......


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yo Truth and Brain are both right -
You are most definently born with a way to express yourself better than other ways...but im startin believe that music, just like drawing and many other things is a learned trait....basically, tha more you practice - tha better you are...isnt that tha general rule?
Truth was on point though by adding that it doesnt hurt to want read and learn more about music because it can only help you understand more and make you get better. I think thats why were all here too ....


Practice and learning through tutorials, books, videos etc will always help you become better at working your stuff and knowing what to do...but if you have not talent then you have no can't pick up talent by reading a book or watching a video. However, as I already mentioned, I find no problem with watching a video to learn how to work sudden things...if you can learn tips etc that you wouldn't necessarily learn from trying yourself then that's a plus.

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
why? that makes absolutely zero sense. why should you have to learn entirely on your own? if thats the case, then why bother joining a site like this one? look, for all of you who think you should learn on your own without any other outside influences....... dont ask any questions in the forums. matter of fact, dont even read the answers to the questions that other people ask, dont read your manual, dont look up any specs, dont read any catalogs, and dont talk to the guys at guitar center. dont listen to anything that inspires you and make sure to never ask for an opinion on a track that you have made. dont post anything in the showcase, and if you do, make sure to tell everyone NOT to give you any feedback. while your at it, transfer the idea to your regular life! dont ask for directions if you ever get lost, dont use maps when you travel, dont read signs. dont use mechnics, cable guys, or repairmen of any kind. ever. always wash your own car. dont eat fast food, or go to a restaraunt. dont read menus at restaraunts when you do go. dont get bank printouts, dont watch movie trailers. just pick one and go. dont read ads for anything, dont watch commercials, dont use a clock for time, dont do anything where you didnt FIGURE EVERY SINGLE THING OUT FOR YOURSELF.

the point here is, you are a fool if you think that people should just learn on their own. you dont know everything, nor will you learn everything on your own simply through trial and error. if there is a tool out there that can help refine your skills, you are an idiot of the highest order if you dont use it. ILLMUZIK is one of those tools in and of itself. am i saying that everyone should read books, watch videos, take classes, or that everyone needs them? no, but they certainly do not hurt. if you dont want to, thats fine. you should use whatever the hell you want and whatever is available.

Billy Bathgate

Woah!!!! Chill. This is getting hectic. I think every one has got their ideas and thoughts out. I am gonna chill from this for a while. I think the dead horse is dead. If you get what I am saying.


Knock Out

Rap's Genious
ill o.g.
Let's put it like this: I'm self-taught, and a good friend of mine went to production school. He can make beats in about 10 minutes flat, but they're extremely generic sounding and lack creativity. (Which I would expect from someone who had no previous music talent and was taught a certain way.) Me on the otherhand, I take like an hour to sometimes 2 hours to complete a beat, but mine are a lot more in depth and non-repeatative. I guess you can say that teaching myself to play the keyboard/drums helped me create fresher ideas for beats and allowed me to "go with the flow" when creating them. As for my friend, like I said before, he was taught in one specific way by a teacher, so all of his kind of sound the same and seem effortless. *No disrespect to my boy LABJUNKIE* - his beats are off the hook. Keep doin your thing maaan...

Cold Truth

IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 25
i am self taught as well.... but reading things like remix magazine and electronic musician gave me a better understanding of midi, and there are resources that will help me still once i make the switch to software, and these resources will serve to expand my overall knowledge of producing. your friend, even though he was taught a certain way, is doing it the way he is because he chooses to stay with that formula; it wasnt BECAUSE he was taught that way. ultimately, its comes down to what you do with the knowledge you have, and when you recieve more knowledge and a greater understanding its up to you to put it to use. you can still develop your own style, your own method with the gear you are comfortable with... and when you use sorry equipment for so long and then all of a sudden jump t oa much more capable system, you are that much more creative for having less to work with. it is the same with being self taught vs. learning from something else.... when you teach yourself, you do tend to develop your own style easier. that doesnt mean that everyone who teaches themselves will be more creative than the guy who spends hours in classes and pouring over books, or vice versa. you are still the one who makes the beats, not the books and videos. we can teach ourselves all day and get good, and be successful and put out quality product, but why limit ourselves to what little we learn on our own merit? when i figured out basic chord structures with my keyboard, it changed the way i arranged my beats. when i learned about frequencies and high end/low end balances, it made even my simplest tracks sound a thousand times better. when i discovered how to do a good drum roll on my mpc in step recording, it completely altered the way i structure my sequences. i learned these things on my own, now when i grasp some real theory and composition, it will add some true musicianship to my beats.. i fake it real well, because people are suprised that i cant read a note or even replay by ear, but i want to really go to another level. if you prefer to forsake the options that are out there to expand your knowledge, thats cool too- because you are doing what makes you the best producer for what you do. i just think that we get a little ahead of ourselves when we say that we should or shouldnt do things a certain way because the way we do it works for us.


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17
Well it's been awhile and I can say this DVD improved my game 300% now. What are some of your thoughts about producing... ARE YOU TRUELY BORN WITH IT, OR NOT?


IllMuzik Moderator
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 17