Soo.... Sunday morning about 3:45am my cell phone goes off.
Springing from the bed because I KNEW this had to be an emergency I see Static's name on my phone. Unsure of wth this could be about , but surely it had to be something serious, I answer.
I hear the slurred and drunkin voice of Static on the other end moaning about how he broke his hand..All I could get was that he was at the club and got into a fight and I couldnt tell if he had hit a wall or some glass.
so Im thinking this fool has called me when he has prolly cut an artery or has glass and shit all in his broken ass hand so I tell him he needs to go to the hospital, he informs me he cant cuz he's drunk, but he has his hand in a bucket of ice.
Then he wails that he cant believe they made him drive home because hes sooo druuunnk. lol
I suggest that he get someone in the house to take him then, he says he cant his mom is asleep (im thinkin "so you want ME to drive 500 miles or something and take you ??") but she knows hes drunk and some how that makes it ok.
Citing the hour I inform Static that its in his best interest to get it looked at immediately and that I need to get back to bed.
About Sunday 12:30pm Est I call him while finishing shopping at Target and ask him how his hand is.. A groggy and hungover but more sober sounding Static asks me how the hell do I know about that?? Turns out he has broken his hand in the last three knuckles of his right baecause after throwing 2 quick punches in succession the first one knocked the dude out and the second , already on its way, hit the wall (no glass) pretty hard.
All this because some white dude was talking shit used the N word thinking that an A on the end of it would make whitey "down" .. It made him down , down on the ground.
Anyway , thats in a nutshell what happened , I told his ass to go get it checked out though because it can heal wrong , I have no idea if he has..