you got me with the Rhodes, nice chord progression, small sounds, man don't get it the wrong way, but I think our styles sound fairly similar, it's fresh, original, deep, complex, inspiring to me, a lot.
This is the kind of sound that I love to hear, it's pretty unique, not one of those "X-type beat", props for that, you sir, got balls, as well as talent.
if I had to criticize, I don't think the whole thing sounds as "fat" as it could, I would have loved to hear a much more present bass for example (if you got the midi file, I can try and record one for you if you want)
maybe some more movement in the pans, a few more background fx sounds to give it even more depth, of course, there are always means to improve, but you start from a very good place already.
What kind of gear/synth are you using? mostly hardware? software? a little of both? it does sound a little "software" for me, but I may be wrong here.
Anyway, great track and much love <3
PS: welcome to the newcomers, I'm not sure about how it should work, but anyway, this is how I do this
when I first post in the week's thread, I make sure to leave feedback to any track that has been previously posted in the same message where I post my own track. I give some of my time for the others first.
Then if later on, someone posts a feedback on my own track, I make sure I also post feedback on theirs.
I think it's better than the usual F4F way we see on other boards
Nonetheless, I'll still leave feedback, since I'm already here, why the hell not
not a big fan of the track, it sounds like you just threw some sounds together, there isn't really any structure, buildup, or events, just a few things looping.
I think you should focus on the groove, the general movement of your music, polish each individual instrument track as much as you possibly can, and make sure that together, they are not only related, but also tell a story.
keep working tho, just focus on being yourself, tell your own story, don't try to be someone else.
@Messy Beatz
Sounds like it's well put together, not a big fan of the "messy beatz, purchase your track today"
not a big fan, it does sound like a "product" rather than an authentic heart felt piece of your soul. Which I'd rather listen to.
I mean, this kind of community here, I believe, is a good place to hone your skills and become, not only a better producer, but also a better musician. But you got to open up first, show who you are.
And I'm sure you're much more than a "producer", that initial musical and creative spark necessary to get where you're at -skill wise- right now, can not only be initiated by the need for cash, there's something deeper to you making music than just money and products, your track wouldn't be so clean if there wasn't.
and that's what I'd long to listen to, because you got talent.
your music can be so much more than a product if you allow it to be, and if you allow yourself to truly express what your soul is made of. It's worth so much more than whatever you're asking for a beat.
Don't ever settle for less than what you're worth
Funnily enough, I actually knew a "martis" that made beats a decade ago
I like the intro a lot
but once the beat comes, while it retains quite a bit of flavor, and still breathes and lives a lot, it sounds kind of quickly put together.
Maybe it's due to the drums that really don't sound that good (sorry)
I think a good part of your problem here lies in the mix and overall balance
another part is the drums
What's good is the synth sounds, the vocal stuff is alright too, but I'd like to hear more harmonic variations, or maybe a couple more elements to harmonically cement all the different parts.
So some good, and some less good, but overall, I like what I hear here and I can't wait to hear the kind of stuff you'll be putting out in a few months if you work hard on your music, it can become truly amazing.
hard work is the easy part