rainin the cut - i'm not sure how much of that distortion is intentional but i reckon toning it down a little would allow for a bit more clarity in the mix. i'm a big filter fan but i reckon in the bits with the filter sweeps something needs to be out of the filter, maybe the hook, or introduce another new element - a pad or something? and i'd either reduce the resonance a bit or eq some of the peaks out of the filtered bits. imo.
pouncey - lots of cool sounds in there, i'm liking the way you change it up a lot. it's quite cinematic almost. was thinking the bass could use some fattening up but then i chucked on my headphones and realised my speakers weren't reproducing the sub. nice.
erik - nice hook but i reckon it could drop out at about the 1 minute mark to change it up a bit, say for 8 bars after the brassy build ups (i'm liknig them).
kvds - even more impressive! will def try swinging the beat, why didn't i think of that? thanks!
edit: added some swing, still messing around...