Showcase - January 17-19, 2012

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Iron Keys

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 725
LP: Angel - Love the sample vocal. Bass, again, muddy (sorry, brother!!!) And it sounds like the bass kinda clicks a bit at its end??? Could fade out the end of the sample so it don't click? Otherwise nice, love the sample.

Headhunter - Ahaaa I'm loving this one. *hums the melody* haha. Slick. I would say same thing about the bass again, is clicking??? Big kick drum, man! Nice one though!!!


I like beats.
Battle Points: 76
LP* Angel sounds chilled, can you add your own bassline somewhere in there? nice jam.

headhunter sounds hard, not really feelling the begining of the violin sample, i would try add a synth intbetween them so it gives it some more type of connection... sounds hard tho

Swift - Aesthetics im bumping my head hard to this, theres so much elements you can do to this beat. its crazy.

Da Prophet - your Lies is dope, it has that kanye/dipset rhythm, only feed i can drop to this is maybe pitching the vocals high and lows.. good beat

Some Guy

ill o.g.
Battle Points: 100
LP: Angel - Love the sample vocal. Bass, again, muddy (sorry, brother!!!) And it sounds like the bass kinda clicks a bit at its end??? Could fade out the end of the sample so it don't click? Otherwise nice, love the sample.

LP I'm hearing this too. I think its just adjusting the release slightly.
Good track tho.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44

LP, I checked out Angel. Its a good base. I'd want a switch up somewhere to keep things pushing or some more instruments/sounds. I hear the click in the kick too. The kick and the bass need more seperation and I also want to hear the strings more, maybe seperate the left and right sides and treat them as seperate chops so you can control things on a deeper level. It also needs something that catches the ear a bit more. it needs a lead, either another chop, or play an instrument over it. Thats about it after 2 listens.

Yo Swift, the thing that jumps out to me instantly is how thin/hollow the kick is. I like everything else, how clean it is, the panning, the drops, hook part is chill, etc good work. Just fix the empty feel the kick gives.

would love to know what anyone thinks

will update with feedback asap.

Yo, Muszolini I'm checkin "fl studio instrumental 2012 - Beem". First thing that jumps out is how soft the kick sounds in the background. I like the rhythm and where you're goin with the synths in the chorus part. I feel like all the percussion is fighting for attention, something needs to be turned down, or some frequencies need to be carved out. Has potential to be a good track with the right artist.

Yo Prophet, this joint needs a stronger base. The kick isn't pronounced enough or the bass isn't strong enough, you should bring out those elements a bit more, it'll help a lot. The crash was way loud compared to the rest of the beat, but was a good element to add.

Is there another kick tucked under or a delay on the kick? It interrupts the groove you got goin. And I like the break down. I think that it doesn't quite compliment the rhythm of the track. The momentum gets interrupted when it comes in, maybe some different sounds will help out or playing with the levels of the hits. Play around with it.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Yea, wasnt this one fam. Just checked again


I like beats.
Battle Points: 76
Yo, Muszolini I'm checkin "fl studio instrumental 2012 - Beem". First thing that jumps out is how soft the kick sounds in the background. I like the rhythm and where you're goin with the synths in the chorus part. I feel like all the percussion is fighting for attention, something needs to be turned down, or some frequencies need to be carved out. Has potential to be a good track with the right artist.

diffinently caught what you were hearing. bless.

and appreciate the fact you mention it has a potential to be a good track with the right artist, wondering what type of artists floated in your head?

cos im working on my younger bro, im a heavy hitter criticiser towards his concepts of music, basically im prolly will be the only one that will tell him sht that wont come out other peoples mouths. but his getting real good lol its caring me. he needs to work on his timing and flow and creative punchlines rather than just dropping bars with no tail behind it, give them some attachment to the beats and so on and on.
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