Showcase - February 20-22, 2013

  • beat this! voting starts in...
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I like what you've gone for here its not typically my style but i do respect what you've made, i like the use of 'choir' sound when it comes in about a 45seconds in. The track itself sounds well mixed and the drums sit well which is something i usually have trouble with myself.

Here something i made a few days back and thought id just give it a rough mix and master and bounce it out, was going for the old 90's feel, sunny day sorta thing....



Battle Points: 24
@YT - Digging the intro. Instrumentation is nice. Drums come in nicely. Mix sounds real clean. Feeling this man. Good job.
@PoW - This is chill. Mix sounds good. Beautiful sample. Needs some extra spicing up though if you know what I mean. Gets a little redundant with the sample the way it is right now.

First remix I've done. Lemme know what y'all think.


@YT beats. u v got good tehcniques but beat is kinda not my cup of tea. Too simple . It not means bad. Just i liek more original beats. Peace
@Kohie Good use of samples an drumz! ++
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