yeah it definelty helps the sound more than any piece of equipment u can buy... you dont really notice how much it helps until you go into someone else's studio without any treatment... then all of sudden you hear all this bass resonating evrywhere, and standing waves, and phasing all over the place. i listen to some of my old mixes i did in an untreated room wow...horrible..... so bassy and dark... the yamahas are a def step up from those tapcos i had before although the tapcos were pretty good monitors... the tapcos were a bit scooped and bassy, which didnt work out too good for me because i like my music slighty scooped and bassy so i would overdoit and end up with mixes that were more scooped than they should have been... but i coudl only hear these diffrences after i treated my room... believe me .. makes a big big diifrence.. you will listen to some old mixes like wtf was i thinking? lol