misscc803 said:Young_keys u def have a nice lil setup. Dat MV treatin u right? Da Motif and it look good togetha.
misscc803 said:Da Pk-6 is the Proteus 2000. I know what u talkin about(E-maxx) but neva messed wit it. I rememeba readin about it somewhere along time ago.
And yeah that thing is ugly
young_keyz said:This is just my lil sett up that is in two different rooms of my place.
the basics(Mv, motif, nordlead, Pc, Motu 828(not shown), Studio projects c1, 2 pairs of Alesis monitors, Nuendo software)
MORFEEUS said:here is the setup for Domestic Disturbance Studios.........the studio for Visual Ink Entertainment ....... for now
misscc803 said:
misscc803 said:Man im lovin the VS-2000 make sure u get the VGA expansion if u do get it. It makes it so easy to use. Right now im loving it and also u can get 3rd party plug ins and shit. So its worth having. The people who usually leave bad reviews are the ones who dont take the time to figure out how to work da damn thing. But so far its doin me good. Now when it comes to track recorders i dont fuck wit Korg or Fostex. Not sayin u dont have to but im tellin i havent seen a track recordery et that has effects that can top Roland's effects.