Sticky Show Your Setup!


DJ Nice // Crack City
ill o.g.

my latest setup :

- NI Maschine Hardware/Software
- Running off a 2 gig ram/processor vista laptop
- 37 inch hdtv as the montior

Whats not shown in the pic :

- new macbook laptop
- bcd3000 dj kit


Whatz good fam, I'm just new here today but thought I would post up my setup as of right now. I'm still a beginning producer so I know I have a long way to go, but this is what I have to start with. I'll be getting a mixer in a couple of weeks, nothing spectacular for now but something good within my budget since I spent all my cash on my MPC and Korg lol

I also have my mic set up but since its a max of 5 files I thought I'd just leave that out. It's your basic good quality condenser mic for something that has a decent studio quality sound to start out with. I'm actually more of an artist/lyricist who has always had a passion for producing as well but never invested in getting the equipment of my own outside of my producers studios so I thought better late than never. Tell me what you think... Don't laugh at my messy bedroom setup lol


  • Entire Starter Bedroom Setup.jpg
    Entire Starter Bedroom Setup.jpg
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  • Acer 4GB DDR2 RAM-2.0 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Proc-17inch Monitor-Cubase LE4 & Acoustica Mixcraft.jpg
    Acer 4GB DDR2 RAM-2.0 Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo Proc-17inch Monitor-Cubase LE4 & Acoustica Mixcraft.jpg
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  • Korg M50 Synth Keyboard Workstation & M-Audio MIDI Controller Keyboard.jpg
    Korg M50 Synth Keyboard Workstation & M-Audio MIDI Controller Keyboard.jpg
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  • MPC500 & Headphones.jpg
    MPC500 & Headphones.jpg
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  • Lexicon Alpha.jpg
    Lexicon Alpha.jpg
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ill o.g.
Battle Points: 73
Whatz good fam, I'm just new here today but thought I would post up my setup as of right now. I'm still a beginning producer so I know I have a long way to go, but this is what I have to start with. I'll be getting a mixer in a couple of weeks, nothing spectacular for now but something good within my budget since I spent all my cash on my MPC and Korg lol

I also have my mic set up but since its a max of 5 files I thought I'd just leave that out. It's your basic good quality condenser mic for something that has a decent studio quality sound to start out with. I'm actually more of an artist/lyricist who has always had a passion for producing as well but never invested in getting the equipment of my own outside of my producers studios so I thought better late than never. Tell me what you think... Don't laugh at my messy bedroom setup lol

lmao....what's up with the identical pair of shoes?


@ LDB - lol it's sitting in front of a wall mirror so it looks like two pair, but it's just one

@ Relic - Thnx man, I'm just getting started on this journey getting all my equipment together. This is what I've picked up in the last 2mnths so far, so hopefully I can get the remainder of what I NEED by the end of the year. Not counting the other things that I just WANT of course lol


Old and dirty...
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 304
Wow....Chisel's setup is dope....


Same shit different toilet...


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