Share your FX Processing tricks here.

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the invisible visible
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 20
i once wrote a pretty long tutorial on my beat making process and posted it on ill. i remember some responding "dude your stupid, i would never reveal my secrets like this" and no follow-ups, so after a few days, pretty pissed, i deleted the thread. but i still think it's a good idea.
maybe if we made this private/invite only more people would respond to it. I'm in however. picpick ( is a cool freeware tool for screenshots.


Hands Of FIRE!
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 259
I wish I could make videos, Id jump on this. Thats one thing Im gonna just have to learn.
Trying to explain with pics and words might make things a little complicated. If I could just do videos that would be dope as hell.

Its very easy 2Good, here I posted a sample on my site just for you. Go to "Production Tips". All I did was took a screenshot of FL then I added the words in "Paint", saved it as a .JPG then uploaded it. Here's the direct link...


A backwards poet writes inverse.
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 21
"i would never reveal my secrets like this"

This attitude cracks me up for a few reasons. First life does not work like this, the more you give the more you get. Help people, you never know who will make it to the top and can pull you up.

Second most people that say this have no good secrets anyway. Most of the top engineers I know have no problem talking about there process and how they get sounds. Sorry "i would never reveal my secrets like this" is just so lame. What is your secret to over compress the drums? oh man never would of thought of that one.

Rant off...
ill o.g.

IT IS WHAT IT IS. what is there to explain?

top two vocoders are just to look at. theyre just visualizations. like bars and waves in media player. top is left channel bottom is right channel

mastering suite. kompact mastering sounds proper for any genre. best stock i think.

the splitter just splits the signal and routes into the vocoders at the top.

the eq is just to add final eq to a song. it's the last effect that gets processed so you can use to boost treble or w/e if its lacking. almost never use this as it tends to push the mix into the red.

mclass eq is the eq before it goes into the mastering combinator. you know how those patches tend to fuck with the sound of the track so you can touch it up here. also its pre-"master" so no matter what you do, it almost never goes into the red. (barely use this either. i just add eq to individual sounds).

the master mixer. not very good for looking at levels because only 3 "leds" for each channel. but conserves space. just adds the drum mixer and the everything else mixer.
TWO REDRUMS. reason is, the mixer has 14 channels, redrum has 10... so. second redrum is used to add 4 more samples.

the drum eqs. (almost always use each one). gets pretty hectic where the wires are. used to eq each drum sample. verrryy useful. then get routed back up the drum mixer.

second splitter and compressor. i usually put the kick in the first redrum slot so i have the first redrum signal routed after the eq, into the splitter, one signal gets sent back to the drum mixer to join the rest, while another gets routed to the compressor, which is used as half assed side chain compression for everything else. this is usually kept on bypass because i only use it when i want a track to have that feel. alotta trance tracks have this.. you notice?

last mixer is for adding samples, bass and other instruments and sound effects. this is routed to the main line mixer.

also if you want an instrument or sample or w/e not to be sidechained then just manually redirect wires to the line mixer.


so hows my setup?

anyone else willing to post?


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
Yo Krysolite, thats very cool of you to contribute man.
Lets find out if everybody else is still really game to do this though since it sounds like the initial idea might not work out as much as I thought it would.
Thanks again man.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I'm working -right now-! Gimme something specific to write about and I'll post


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
lol...So I take you guys want to do it now?

Well the whole idea was to basically share some of your favorite effects/routing So if you think you wanna share something like how to do parallel compression on a lead vocal, then just take a screen shot or as many as needed and give instructions on how to do it.

Just make sure to explain what the effect/or routing scheme is that your trying to show how to do, otherwise I think it may be confusing as to what your trying to educate other people on.

Thanks man.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
Man, I been voted yes lol


ill o.g.
Battle Points: 33
I know man, and thanks! lol...Just been waiting to hear if its unanimous and not many people have been chiming back in. But according to the poll we have a handful of capable people now to set this thing off so I say lets do it.

Just need to figure out what people would rather do more - video tutorials, or screenshots with written instructions??

*Once its settled, Im gonna start a new thread and have the mod's either lock or delete this one so its not a mess.


Father Timeless
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 44
I'd do video as far as a poll is concerned. Producers should, helps increase visibility etc...


Mad Beats, No Angry Vegetables
ill o.g.
Battle Points: 10
honestly i think just making videos would be a lot simpler and (this is just me) but i'd rather watch a vid tutorial than read a long instruction list w/ screenshots. i guess your way would be a lot easier to understand sometimes people move 2 quick in their vids